Et1000 cli user guide en ET CLI User Guide System version ??R Doc No ??GW EP OL CZ C CDECLARATION This manual is speci ?cally designed for use by customers and our company sta ? and the personnel who approved by our company No part of this documentation m

ET CLI User Guide System version ??R Doc No ??GW EP OL CZ C CDECLARATION This manual is speci ?cally designed for use by customers and our company sta ? and the personnel who approved by our company No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work such as translation transformation or adaptation without prior express and written permission from our company In the course of use if there is any discrepancy between the manual and the actual product please contact the company ATPON Co LDT Address Room JinNanChuangYe Building Puyan Street Binjiang District Hangzhou city Zhejiang province China Postcode ?? Tele ?? Fax ?? Website ??http www atpon com C CMANUAL DESCRIPTION The GEPON ET system is a small box OLT Optical Line Terminal on which data and video and phone service can be provided This guide is intended for technical engineers and system administrators who are responsible for operation and maintaintion on GEPON system C CCONTENTS ET CLI USER GUIDE MANAGEMENT IP CONFIGUARATION - CONSOLE - MGMT PORT - UPLINK PORT IN-BAND - CONFIGURE MANAGEMENT IP - CONFIGURE MANAGEMENT VLAN - SYSTEM CONFIGURATION - SYSTEM INFORMATION CONFIGURATION - PON SYSTEM CONFIGURATION - logical port strict binding - VLAN CONFIGURATION - ONU MAC BINDING CONFIGURATION - ONU UNI VLAN CONFIGURATION - ONU BANDWIDTH CONTROL CONFIGURATION - ONU UNI RATE CONFIGURATION - PON PORT QINQ CONFIGURATION - OTHER SYSTEM COMMAND - SHOW COMMANDS - UPGRADE VIA WEB I TERMS AND ACRONYMS i C CLIST OF FIGURES FIGURE - ET APPEARANCE - FIGURE - MAKING CONSOLE CABLE - FIGURE - CONFIGURING CONSOLE PORT PARAMETER - FIGURE - UPGRADE VIA WEB PAGE FIGURE - NEED AUTHENTICATION FIGURE - UPGRADE VIA WEB PAGE FIGURE - SELECT UPGRADE FILE FIGURE - UPGRADE VIA WEB PAGE FIGURE - UPLOAD THE UPGRADE FILE iii C CLIST OF TABLES TABLE - VLAN VLAN ID HANDLING MECHANISM IN TRANSPARENT MODE - TABLE - VLAN ID HANDLING MECHANISM IN VLAN TAG MODE - TABLE - VLAN ID HANDLING MECHANISM IN VLAN TRANSLATION MODE - TABLE - VLAN ID HANDLING MECHANISM IN VLAN TRUNK MODE - - v C CGuangWei ET CLI User Guide en doc MANAGEMENT IP CONFIGUARATION The user can manage ET system by SNMP or CLI ET provide three type management interface console and MGMT outband management interface and uplink port used with inband management interface shows as ?gure - Figure - ET Appearance CONSOLE The Console port can be used to make a simple con ?guration of the ET Console line for connecting PC serial port and Console port is provided And the user can use the USB- RS adapter if there is no serial port on PC Figure - shows how to make the console line Figure - Making console cable The communication parameters of console port as follows - - CMANAGEMENT IP CONFIGUARATION GuangWei ? Bits per second bps for initial con ?guration ? Data bits ? Parity None ? Stop

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  • Publié le Jui 02, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 77.7kB