Analyst guide 1 Cognos Planning ANALYST USER GUIDE CProduct Information This document applies to Cognos Planning Version and may also apply to subsequent releases To check for newer versions of this document visit the Cognos Global Customer Services Web s

Cognos Planning ANALYST USER GUIDE CProduct Information This document applies to Cognos Planning Version and may also apply to subsequent releases To check for newer versions of this document visit the Cognos Global Customer Services Web site http support cognos com Copyright Copyright ? Cognos Incorporated Portions of Cognos software products are protected by one or more of the following U S Patents B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Cognos and the Cognos logo are trademarks of Cognos Incorporated in the United States and or other countries All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate and complete some typographical errors or technical inaccuracies may exist Cognos does not accept responsibility for any kind of loss resulting from the use of information contained in this document This document shows the publication date The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice Any improvements or changes to either the product or the document will be documented in subsequent editions U S Government Restricted Rights The software and accompanying materials are provided with Restricted Rights Use duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to the restrictions in subparagraph C ii of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS - or subparagraphs C and of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at CFR - as applicable The Contractor is Cognos Corporation Wayside Road Burlington MA This software documentation contains proprietary information of Cognos Incorporated All rights are reserved Reverse engineering of this software is prohibited No part of this software documentation may be copied photocopied reproduced stored in a retrieval system transmitted in any form or by any means or translated into another language without the prior written consent of Cognos Incorporated CTable of Contents Introduction What's New New Features in Version Microsoft Excel Select Folders in Cognos Connection Select Framework Manager Package for D-List Import Chapter Analyst Overview Saving Analyst Data Registry Settings Restart Analyst Understanding Analyst Formulas in Analyst and Excel Spreadsheets Using LIB and LIBNO Parameters Other Di ?erences Multi-User Object Access Analyst Samples Tutorialgo Great Outdoors Analyst The BiF Library The Slice Update Sample Customizing the Analyst Toolbar Use Custom Menus Create Custom Toolbar Buttons Chapter Administration Viewing and Editing Analyst Workspace Settings Creating Planning Tables Set Filesys ini Rebuild Index Files Refresh References Validate D-Lists DOS File Names Close ODBC Links Con ?guration Settings Chapter Objects Add a Description to an Object Reveal Object Name from DOS Filename Chapter Security Cognos Namespace Authentication Providers Deleting or Restoring Uncon ?gured Namespaces User Guide CTable of Contents Users Groups and Roles Users Groups and Roles Setting up Security for a Cognos Planning Installation Con ?gure Cognos to Use an Authentication Provider Add or Remove Members From Planning Rights Administrators and Planning Contributor Users Roles Enabling Planning Roles

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