Article writing guide Article Writing Templates Writing Style Guidelines Try to use as many elements per article as possible They are laid out like this for simplicity Copy Flow Urgent Problem ?? Unique Promise ?? Unquestionable Proof ?? User Friendly Pro

Article Writing Templates Writing Style Guidelines Try to use as many elements per article as possible They are laid out like this for simplicity Copy Flow Urgent Problem ?? Unique Promise ?? Unquestionable Proof ?? User Friendly Proposition Objections to defeat ?? covered by No time value in ad itself curiosity No interest ?? urgent problem No perceived di ?erence ?? unique promise No belief ?? unquestionable proof No decision ?? user-friendly proposition Proof Elements critical Demonstration Creative guarantee Reason justi ?cation Speci ?cs The expose Explain the mechanism Sell against type Acknowledge disbelief Highly believable source Testimonials Candor Core outline Headline Drama Words Subheads what why how when Objections Case studies examples Summaries can be in points can be in paragraphs Next step sales subscribe tell a friend do something What creates curiosity -Speci ?cs -Unfamiliar concepts terminology -A direct contrast to the existing status quo CSale Template Research the pain Talk about the pain to grow the pain i e talk about issues the problem at hand causes Diagnosis o ?er solutions Educate on why you should do something with us Bene ?ts Evidence Important Selling is not telling Ask questions in the article Action Template Attention Subscript ?? teaser Headline ?? attention of desired audience see headline sheet Subhead Salutation Interest Opening hook it you ? then Your story ?? credibility Here ? s what this is all about Desire USP unique selling proposition Appeal Bene ?ts Bullets Action Bonuses Click here to ? Do you want ? Risk reversal guarantee Close the deal ? click now PS Use mental triggers in your copy Social proof show how lots of people are doing it Scarcity show limited quantity Proof demonstrate speci ?cally that it works Stories Commitment and consistency get them committed to mini ??yeses ? then bigger ??yeses ? Authority mention credentials or quanti ?es that make you an authority on the subject Reciprocity give them something good and they will want to repay you hopefully by clicking the link for more information Character tie in with story the loss and redemption story or the hero defeating adversity story C Speci ?cs rather than be speci ?c Common energy us vs them us vs those evil food companies Anchoring mention extreme values to anchor them to high perceptions but also give them realistic ones they can relate to James lost pounds in months and Annie lost pounds in weeks Writing Style Writing is about communication with the emotional mind so it makes sense to the rational mind People buy things emotionally then justify it rationally Writing is a conversation with the reader not a spoken language You want the copy to sound like a loud hot secret An emotionally compelling case is something that reaches their gut Your article needs to be full of energy It can ? t be boring You want a killer headline killer bullets and a killer o ?er call to action get the click Understand the reasons people buy Make money

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