Bine solar guide Themeninfo I A compact guide to energy research Large-scale solar thermal systems for buildings The sun provides hot water and supports room heating A service from FIZ Karlsruhe C BINE themeninfo I ? ?? Straight to the point To date the t

Themeninfo I A compact guide to energy research Large-scale solar thermal systems for buildings The sun provides hot water and supports room heating A service from FIZ Karlsruhe C BINE themeninfo I ? ?? Straight to the point To date the topic of solar collector systems has primarily involved small-scale standard systems for single-family and double-family houses Here we would like to focus on the numerous large buildings which could also be provided with solar heat While many blocks of ats housing estates hotels halls of residence hospitals and commercial buildings have large unused roof surfaces the facades and balcony balustrades or the roofs of adjacent buildings such as garages are also surfaces which could be used for the heat supply Although photovoltaic systems of all sizes are currently in vogue and the small solar collector systems are also selling well the market for large-scale solar energy systems still needs to be stimulated The chances of success are high because large- scale solar energy systems o ?er a number of advantages they provide more heat per square metre of collector surface and are more cost-e ?ective than small-scale systems But which buildings are particularly suitable for large- scale solar energy systems What is more pro ?table to generate hot water only or to also supply the heating system with solar heat What dimensioning is optimal with regard to costs Which system concept is the best What are the typical planning errors or installation errors which should be avoided What are the success factors for successful projects These questions are discussed here on the basis of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment's energy research projects The analyses relate to systems with a collector surface area of over square metres and buildings of various types The emphasis is on the most cost-e ?ective systems used purely for water heating but initial results are also available for combined systems which ?? with heightened heating costs ?? enable considerably more fossil energy sources to be saved Solar-supported local heating networks systems for solar cooling or air conditioning and process heat generation constitute another research area in the german Solarthermie plus programme and are not discussed here Your BINE editorial team redaktion bine info Contents Good arguments for solar heat The solar building check System concepts for hot water Solar thermal energy key research area Costs and bene ?ts In practice ?? residential buildings In portrait the planner and the operator ?? two expert opinions Combined systems ?? the next step In practice ?? rehabilitation clinic The roadmap to solar heat utilisation Imprint ISSN - Publisher FIZ Karlsruhe GmbH Hermann-von- Helmholtz-Platz Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Germany Author Dipl Ing Martin Schnauss Editor Dr Franz Meyer Cover image BSW Berlin Reprint Publication of texts and graphics only permissible if source is indicated in full and upon submission of a specimen copy Reproduction of the photographs only if approved by the respective copyright holder Unless otherwise indicated all graphics were created by the author BINE is an information service

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