Bridge procedures guide BRIDGE PROCEDURES GUIDE CNeed for Bridge Procedures ? Utmost important task of the OOW is ??SAFE NAVIGATION ? ? Safe navigation - ship is not exposed to unnecessary danger and that she can be at all times controlled within ? accept
BRIDGE PROCEDURES GUIDE CNeed for Bridge Procedures ? Utmost important task of the OOW is ??SAFE NAVIGATION ? ? Safe navigation - ship is not exposed to unnecessary danger and that she can be at all times controlled within ? acceptable limits ? - require e ?ective CCCM - demands that the situation level of bridge manning and their competency ops status of nav systems ship ? s engines auxillaries are taken into account CNeed for Bridge Procedures contd CNeed for Bridge Procedures ? Passage Planning - to assess the safest and most economical sea route between ports - detailed plans coasting port approaches pilotage areas are needed to ensure appropriate margins of safety - contingency plans essential for the unexpected and equipment failures - once completed the passage plan becomes the basis for navigation CGood Bridge Watchkeeping Practices ? Need to be able to keep a good lookout ? Monitor the chart and observe the radar ? Able to communicate on VHF without losing situational awareness ? Limitations of any equipment e g bad siting and remedial actions must be aware ? Should be possible to monitor instrumentation from all places helm engine indicators while ops like pilot embarking disembarking berthing handling tugs etc CGood Management of Bridge Procedures Combination of the following ? Clarity of purpose ? Ability to delegate authority as appropriate ? E ?ective organisation ? Motivation and the ability to motivate others CClarity of purpose ? Passage plan objectives to be achieved without ambiguity communicate consistently and plan to be agreed by all ? Plan to be in consonance with Company instructions and Master ? s standing orders ? Plan should ensure that dangers are noted and safe water limits are identi ?ed ? Plan should be such as to ensure that ship can be controlled within established safe limits CDelegation of Authority The Master has the ultimate responsibility for the safety of the ship Delegation of authority will depend upon ? Ability and experience of the watchkeeper ? In accordance with agreed procedures ? Pilotage legislation in force ?? voluntary or compulsory with regard to Pilot ? s role ? Master remains in command at all times except Panama canal ? Delegation intention must be a clear and positive statement to avoid any misunderstanding ? Masters should encourage OOW ? s to carry out navigation when safe to do so with they doing a monitoring role CE ?ective Organisation ? Execution of the passage plan requires bridge resources to be appropriately allocated as per demands of the di ?erent phases of the voyage ? Master to ensure availability of adequately rested backup for the navigational watch ? Ensure that electronic navigational equipment are carefully synchronised aligned with the chart datum e g failure could lead to grounding CMotivation ? Teamwork is a valuable asset in any organisation ? Master ? s responsibility to motivate and to create conditions to encourage motivation ? Recognise the strengths competence and limitations of team members and organise work
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- Publié le Jan 17, 2022
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 40.4kB