Bushfire guide A Guide to Windows Doors in Bush ?re Prone Areas Version incl AS Amendment Released February A Guide to Windows and Doors in Bush ?re Prone Areas In response to devastating bush ?res in Victoria in Australian Standard was updated and republ

A Guide to Windows Doors in Bush ?re Prone Areas Version incl AS Amendment Released February A Guide to Windows and Doors in Bush ?re Prone Areas In response to devastating bush ?res in Victoria in Australian Standard was updated and republished AS The Building Code of Australia referenced the new Standard on the st May The old standard had levels of bush ?re attack the new Standard has levels of severity expressed as Bush ?re Attack Levels BAL ? BAL - Low ? BAL - ? BAL - ? BAL - ? BAL - ? BAL - FZ This booklet is a guide for the di ?erent construction requirements for windows and doors in each level This guide is not a replacement for AS for more information refer to AS Contruction of Buildings in Bush ?re Prone Areas Australian Windows Association a Ridge St Gordon NSW Australia p f e info awa org au www awa org au DISCLAIMER This key message has been developed to provide general guidance awareness and education to AWA members only It should not be viewed as a de ?nitive guide and should be read in conjunction with the full Standard AS visit www siaglobal com au While every e ?ort has been made to ensure the information is accurate the AWA expressly disclaims all and any liability to any person for anything done in reliance on this publication No responsibility is accepted by the AWA for any mistakes errors or omissions in this publication A Guide to Windows and Doors in Bush ?re Prone Areas Contents Bush ?re attack levels BALS Condensed explanation of window and door requirements a BAL ?? Low i Windows ii Side Hung Doors including French and Bi-folds Doors iii External Sliding doors b BAL ?? i Windows ii Side Hung Doors including French and Bi-folds Doors iii External Sliding doors c BAL ?? i Windows ii Side Hung Doors including French and Bi-folds Doors iii External Sliding doors d BAL ?? i Windows ii Side Hung Doors including French and Bi-folds Doors iii External Sliding doors e BAL ?? i Windows ii Side Hung Doors including French and Bi-folds Doors iii External Sliding doors f BAL ?? FZ i Windows ii Side Hung Doors including French and Bi-folds Doors iii External Sliding doors Easy guide for window and door requirements Diagrams Timber Species Densities Bush ?re Resisting Timbers A Guide to Windows and Doors in Bush ?re Prone Areas Bush ?re Attack Levels AS is primarily concerned with improving the ability of buildings in designated bush ?reprone areas to better withstand attack from bush ?re thus giving a measure of protection to the building occupants until the ?re front passes as well as to the building itself Research is continuing with regards to the e ?ects of bush ?res on buildings determination of bush ?reprone areas within various States and particular construction techniques designed to maximize the performance of buildings when subjected to bush ?re attack The outcomes

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