Business plan guide small business management entrepreneurship and beyond 6th edition

Business Plan Guide to accompany Small Business Management Entrepreneurship and Beyond th Edition Timothy S Hatten Colorado Mesa University CElements of the Business Plan Suggested length Cover Page page Table of Contents - pages I Executive Summary - pages A Mission Statement B Company Information C Market Opportunity D Financial Data II Description of Your Company and Industry - pages A Company Background and History B The Industry III Description of the Product or Service - pages A Description of the Product or Service B Competitive Advantages IV Market Research and Evaluation - pages A Markets B Market Trends C Competition D Market Share V Marketing Plan - pages A Market Strategy B Product C Pricing D Promotion E Place F Service Polices VI Manufacturing and Operations Plan - pages A Production B Geographic Location C Facilities D Make or Buy Policy E Control Systems F Labor Force G Training H Sta ?ng Plan Suggested length VII The Management Team - pages A Identi ?cation of Key People Business Plan Guide - ? Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved May not be scanned copied or duplicated or posted to a publicly accessible website in whole or in part CBusiness Plan Guide - B Succession Plan C Management Philosophy D Business Organizational Structure E Identi ?cation of Firms Assisting the Company VIII Timeline ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? page or a table A Key Events IX Critical Risks and Assumptions - pages A Risk Management Strategies X Bene ?ts to Community pages A Economic Development B Community Development C Human Development XI Exit Strategy page XII Financial Plan ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? pages of text and appropriate spreadsheets A Sources and Uses of Funds B Financial Practices C Cash Flow Statement D Cash Budget E Pro ?t and Loss Statement F Breakeven Analysis G Financial Ratios H Intangibles-- Intellectual Property Appendices as needed ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Varies by appendix A Resumes Biographies of Key Personnel B Advertising Samples C Organizational Chart D Customer Pro ?les E Competitor Pro ?les F Product Pro ?les G Site Study and Store Layout H Financial Statements I Global Issues ? Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved May not be scanned copied or duplicated or posted to a publicly accessible website in whole or in part CBusiness Plan Guide - I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY For help in completing this section check SBMEB pp - Suggestions for writing Executive Summary section Think of this one- to two-page overview as the business plan in miniature While there are a number of sections to it each may only be a few sentences or paragraphs long Note the example Figure a on page is a way to condense information Write this section of the business plan last Some will tell you to write it

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