Career guide 1 ALSANCI VIII ALSA INDONESIA CAREER GUIDELINE in collaboration with alsa-indonesia org Content Writer Sukma Fadilla Chief O ?cer of Legal Training and Internship National Board ALSA Indonesia - CALSA NC INDONESIA Khalifah Al Kays Yusuf Presi
ALSANCI VIII ALSA INDONESIA CAREER GUIDELINE in collaboration with alsa-indonesia org Content Writer Sukma Fadilla Chief O ?cer of Legal Training and Internship National Board ALSA Indonesia - CALSA NC INDONESIA Khalifah Al Kays Yusuf President - Assalamualaikum Wr Wb Shalom Om Swastiastu Namo Buddhaya Greetings First and foremost I would like to praise and thank the Almighty God who has granted countless blessings knowledge and opportunities for each and every one of us It is His blessings that enables us to unite under this prominent organization ALSA Indonesia as one of the National Chapters under ALSA International comprises of members of Local Chapters from reputable universities It aims to edify members' knowledge and skills nurture future connection and provide a boundless bene ?t for its members of their future prospects Further to cast the primal role of members to plan and to provide an impactful course of actions towards the society and government It has been manifesting its core values legally skilled academically committed socially responsible and internationally minded by enabling each member and the society to understand the diversity of legal system culture and human characteristics from various jurisdictions A constant support from various partners throughout these past years has led ALSA Indonesia to achieve its current status as a leading organization ALSA Indonesia Career Guideline in collaboration with Assegaf Hamzah and Partners Law Firm is one of the concrete re ection of generous support from our partners This guideline provides us an edifying knowledge in regards to tips and tricks in enhancing our preparation to pursue our career ahead It is a concise and perfect guideline mainly for those who are jumbled with the hearsay of CV motivation letter and interview do's and don'ts spreading all over the place More importantly this guideline was supported and has been assessed by one of the most prestigious law ?rm in Indonesia AHP Law Firm Thus I am proud to welcome the readers to grasp and enjoy the guideline and I aspire this masterpiece could serve as an insightful source of knowledge to educate and subside everyone's career journey in pursuing their dreams ALSA Always be One Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb Shalom Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om Namo Buddhaya Warm regards CALSA NC INDONESIA ??All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them ? ?? Walt Disney ?? Hi everyone Welcome to the ALSA Indonesia Career Guideline Whatever stage you ? re at in your career planning ?? whether you ? re absolutely certain of your next steps or if you haven ? t even begun thinking about life after university ?? this Career Guide is here to assist you Your career will play a big role in your life and the working world is a challenging one ?lled with competition promotion comradery and laughter Finding the right career for you is very important Not only will it make it easier for you to wake up every day but it will also give you the spark
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- Publié le Aoû 03, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 41.9kB