Feasibility study guide 1 Feasibility Study Guide Feasibility Study Guide This guide provides practical assistance in undertaking a feasibility study for a proposed sport and recreation facility Last updated April A successful sport or recreation facility
Feasibility Study Guide Feasibility Study Guide This guide provides practical assistance in undertaking a feasibility study for a proposed sport and recreation facility Last updated April A successful sport or recreation facility is the result of thorough planning Without adequate planning the facility will probably fail ?? fail to meet the current and future needs of the community fail to meet ?nancial goals or fail to be managed e ?ectively A feasibility study should critically assess a proposal to build a facility and enable the client the owner to make an informed decision about whether to proceed with the proposed project It should consider all the alternatives within the scope of an identi ?ed need in order to establish the most e ?ective investment of funds It should analyse the social and ?nancial impacts of the proposal and identify the risks involved by studying the marketplace usage and management issues the facility components location options ?nancial viability Disclaimer This recourse contains comments of a general nature only and is not intended to be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice No responsibility will be accepted by the Department of Sport and Recreation for loss occasioned to any person doing anything as a result of any material in this resource This guide was prepared with a view to outlining the Department of Sport and Recreations' requirements for a feasibility study However any opinions ?ndings conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are guidelines only and should not be expressly relied on by project proponents Contents Introduction Facility Planning Process Preliminary Planning Corporate Policies and Plans Assessment of Need Preparation Establishing a Co-ordinating Committee Terms of Reference TOR Methodology Community Involvement Feasibility Study Process The Process in Brief Review Background Information https www dlgsc wa gov au department publications publication feasibility-study-guide Download PDF Feasibility Study Guide pdf KB https www dlgsc wa gov au docs de source sport-and-recreation feasibility study- guide pdf sfvrsn b d Tags facilities department publications - intags tags facilities recreation department publications -intags tags recreation sport department publications -intags tags sport C Organisational Philosophy Market Analysis Justi ?cation of the Proposed Facility Draft Management Plan Concept Design Location Rationale Design Technical Evaluation Capital Costs Financials Staging Alternatives Sustainability Revisit the Needs Assessment Recommendation Writing the Feasibility Report Conclusion Further Reading References Feasibility Study Guide Introduction The second phase in the facility planning process is the Feasibility Study The purpose of a feasibility study is to examine the viability of a proposal so that any decision can be informed by objective analysis Your decision may be to implement amend re ?ne or abandon the proposal It should thoroughly test the practicability of Management options Facility components Location options Technical design options Social economic and environmental sustainability Cost This guide provides practical assistance in undertaking a feasibility study for a proposed sport or recreation facility It highlights the planning issues that need to be considered the various ways of gathering information and the outcomes that should be achieved The information provided
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- Publié le Apv 12, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 121.2kB