Darkyeti x27 s doomsday guide starting the season

DarkYeti ? s Doomsday Guide Starting the Season Doomsday Investment Plan Purchase the weekly DD Privilege Package USD With this package you get A specialty reset that can be used during the week K composite materials plus k composite materials per day K stone serum plus extra serum per day territory cap and - minutes tile abandon time A ticket each day that give honor increase for minutes increased processing speed increased march speed to tiles increased heal speed at virus centers If you have some money to spend on DD I can not stress how much an advantage this package gives for the relatively low price If you can ? t purchase it every week purchase it early so you can get a jump on tiles and processing plants levels with the composite materials and then you can purchase it later if you need a specialty reset Normally specialty resets are but you can get a limited reset that you can use during the investment week for only plus you get all the extra privileges as well Processing Plants Level processing plants together until level and not go higher until later in the season Level is a sweet spot in the processing speed of the plants After level through level you only get per hour increases in speed but from level - you get per hour and - you get per hour increases Waiting to level up your plants until later in the season may allow you reap additional bene ?ts from the honor gained if you spec into the green tree explained later Over of the honor from these structures comes from leveling them to - and the processing plants have the lowest composite material cost for the honor gained of any structure If you play this right you can Cup your overall DD level by at least - levels at the end of the season just by upgrading your processing plants Unlock Guardian Assault Fortresses At some point between the start of the season and the start of duels you need to unlock your Guardian and Assault Fortresses for AC - This only needs done once and these structures will remain unlocked for the rest of the season You will need to spec points in the Blue tree straight down After this is done you can spec back Stone Stone is the currency of DD Everyone should donate daily to alliance technology with both resources and diamonds Alliance Contribution should be saved mainly for stone in the alliance store as this is the only way to get stone Target having at least K stone at the start of the season if not more Early Season Focus Immunity Specialty For the ?rst few weeks of DD everyone should focus on leveling up their virus centers as quickly as possible Stick with the Construction Blue Specialty On the right side of the Construction Specialty is virus immunity With each United Research you complete you get immunity same as virus

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