Decommission guide I NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE I DOE G - September DECOMMISSIONING IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE U S Department of Energy Washington D C O ?ce of Field Integration Distribution All Departmental Elements Initiated By O ?ce of Field Integration CDOE

I NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE I DOE G - September DECOMMISSIONING IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE U S Department of Energy Washington D C O ?ce of Field Integration Distribution All Departmental Elements Initiated By O ?ce of Field Integration CDOE G - - - FOREWORD The Department of Energy DOE faces an enormous task in the disposition of the nation's excess facilities Many of these facilities are large and complex and contain potentially hazardous substances As DOE facilities complete mission operations and are declared excess they pass into a transition phase which ultimately prepares them for disposition The disposition phase of a facility's life-cycle usually includes deactivation decommissioning and surveillance and maintenance S M activities Four Guides were developed to provide implementation guidance for requirements found in DOE A LIFE CYCLE ASSET MANAGEMENT speci ?c to the transition and disposition of contaminated excess facilities The Guides are DOE G - IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE FOR SURVEILLANCE AND MAINTENANCE DURING FACILITY TRANSITION AND DISPOSITION DOE G - DEACTIVATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE DOE G - DECOMMISSIONING IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE and DOE G - TRANSITION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE The goal of the processes described in the Guides is a continuum of hazard mitigation and risk reduction throughout the transition and disposition phases leading to a timely cost-e ?ective disposition of the facility Transition activities occur between operations and disposition in a facility's life cycle Transition begins once a facility has been declared or forecast to be excess to current and future DOE needs It includes placing the facility in stable and known conditions identifying hazards eliminating or mitigating hazards and transferring programmatic and ?nancial responsibilities from the operating program to the disposition program Timely completion of transition activities can take advantage of facility operational capabilities before they are lost eliminating or mitigating hazards in a more e ?cient cost-e ?ective manner In preparation for the disposition phase it is important that material systems and infrastructure stabilization activities be initiated prior to the end of facility operations Following operational shutdown and transition the ?rst disposition activity usually is to deactivate the facility The deactivation mission is to place a facility in a safe shutdown condition that is economical to monitor and maintain for an extended period until the eventual decommissioning of the facility Deactivation of contaminated excess facilities should occur as soon as reasonable and for as many facilities as possible In this way DOE can apply its resources to accomplish the greatest net gains to safety and stability in the shortest time Deactivation can accomplish various activities placing the facility in a low-risk state with minimum S M requirements The ?nal facility disposition activity is typically decommissioning where the facility is taken to its ultimate end state through decontamination and or dismantlement to demolition or entombment After decommissioning is complete the facility or surrounding area may require DOE control for protection of the public and the environment or for environmental remediation CDOE G - - - S M activities are conducted throughout the facility life-cycle including when a facility is not

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