Edalc powerpont slides Breaking the Grounds for An Etymological Dictionary of Arabic Language and Culture EDALC Stephan Guth Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske spr? k IKOS Oslo ESF Exploratory Workshop University of Oslo June ?? CThis presentation
Breaking the Grounds for An Etymological Dictionary of Arabic Language and Culture EDALC Stephan Guth Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske spr? k IKOS Oslo ESF Exploratory Workshop University of Oslo June ?? CThis presentation Overview ? Is there a need for an etymological dictionary of Arabic ? There is already ? The fear of incompleteness ? newly lanced Mu jam ?? a competing initiative ? Types of etymological dictionaries ? Entry structure some examples ? My suggestion EDALCSG ? main ideas ? Where to start from ? Material to build on ? word lists ? How far to go back in history ? samples entries ? steps to take CIs there a need for EDALC Some critical reservations ??There is already ? ? ? David Klein A Comprehensive Etymol Dict of the Hebrew Lang - ? Wolfram von Soden CNo need for an EtymArab Arabic and other Semitic Cognates in Wolf Leslau Etymological dictionary of Harari Berkeley CNo need for an EtymArab Arabic and other Semitic Cognates in existing dictionaries Wolf Leslau Etymological dictionary of Gurage Ethiopic vols Wiesbaden CNo need for an EtymArab Arabic and other Semitic Cognates in existing dictionaries Wolf Leslau A Comparative Dictionary of Ge ez Classical Ethiopic Ge ez-English English-Ge ez with an index of the Semitic roots vols Wiesbaden CHelpful ?? but making EtymArab unnecessary ? Index of Semitic Roots ? in Wolf Leslau Etymological dictionary of Gurage Ethiopic vols Wiesbaden CHelpful ?? but making EtymArab unnecessary ? Index of Semitic Roots ? in Wolf Leslau A Comparative Dictionary of Ge ez Classical Ethiopic Ge ez- English English-Ge ez with an index of the Semitic roots vols Wiesbaden C ? Once bitten twice shy ? The fear of creating another torso ? Wikipedia-type online tool is di ?erent ? Completeness ?? not achievable ? Open questions research lacunae ongoing discussion scholarly dispute ?? natural and no shame cf CÉt Ignorée ? Ét Hapax obscur ? Ét Souvent considéré comme ? Ét Peut-être terme d ? emprunt ? Open questions incompletenes lacunae Natural not unusual and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of Pierre Chantraine Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque histoire des mots nouvelle éd Paris CGábor Takács Etymological Dictionary of Egyptian Leiden etc ? ? Etymology obscure ? ? Origin disputable ? Incompletenes lacunae scholarly disputes CGábor Takács Etymological Dictionary of Egyptian Leiden etc ? pages lemmata CGábor Takács Etymological Dictionary of Egyptian Leiden etc ? Balance pages lemmata thereof ?? obscure ? ?? disputable ? ??disputed ? ??highly debated ? highly interesting discussions CNewly re- lanced project al-Mu jam al-t ?r lil-lu ?a al- arabiyya ? joint venture of the Union of Arabic Language Academies Itti ?d al-maj ?mi al- lu ?awiyya al- ilmiyya al- arabiyya formed ??Hay at al-Mu jam al-t ?r ? Cairo ? preparatory conference in Sharja al- ? ?riqa UAE funded by the Emir of Sh Dec ? conference in Fes Morocco April ? documents and sample entries in alMu jam al-t ?r li ? l-lu ?a al- arabiyya
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- Publié le Jui 25, 2022
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 119.2kB