Essay guide Contents Writing ACT Essay Intro to ACT Writing Sample ACT Essay ACT Essay Scoring Analyzing the Prompt Organizaing Your Essay Features of Top Scoring Essays Plan Ahead Practice Prompt Practice Prompt Practice Prompt Practice Prompt Practice P

Contents Writing ACT Essay Intro to ACT Writing Sample ACT Essay ACT Essay Scoring Analyzing the Prompt Organizaing Your Essay Features of Top Scoring Essays Plan Ahead Practice Prompt Practice Prompt Practice Prompt Practice Prompt Practice Prompt Recommended Reading List Vocabulary Resources Word Pre ?xes Roots and Su ?xes Tone Attitude Words Other Essential Words Synonym Clusters Math Vocabulary Tips for Test Day Notes ACT v Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal Writing ACT Essay The Optional ACT Writing Test consists of a -minute essay It is administered following a short break at the end of the four multiple-choice tests According to the ACT the Writing Test is optional but you should keep in mind that many universities require applicants to submit the Writing Test as part of their ACT scores It is therefore a good idea to take the Writing Test unless you ? re certain that none of the colleges you plan to apply to require the Optional ACT Writing Test The ACT Writing Score will not a ?ect your scores on any of the other multiplechoice tests Rather you will receive two additional scores a combined English Language Arts ELA scaled score from - and four Writing Test subscores from - ACT writing prompts include short statements from three perspectives relating to issues or controversies facing modern society You are still free to side with one of the given perspectives but you ? ll now be tested on your ability to evaluate the perspectives and analyze the issue based on your reasoning knowledge and experience ACT v Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal The O ?cial Instructions Directions This is a test of your writing skills You will have forty minutes to read the prompt plan your response and write an essay in English Before you begin working read all the material in this test booklet carefully to understand exactly what you're being asked to do You will write your essay on the lined pages in the answer document provided Your writing on those pages will be scored You may use the lined pages in this test booklet to plan your essay Your work on these pages will not be scored Your essay will be evaluated on the evidence it provides of your ability to ? Analyze and evaluate multiple perspectives on a complex issue ? State and develop your own perspective on the issue ? Explain and support your ideas with logical reasoning and detailed examples ? Clearly and logically organize your ideas in an essay ? E ?ectively communicate your ideas in standard written English Lay your pencil down immediately when time is called DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO LET ? S BREAK THAT DOWN Basically the instructions read You ? ve got minutes to plan and write your essay You must take a position in your essay evaluate the other perspectives you're given and show the relationships

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