Example zone v importance factor 1 medium soil response reduction factor 5

A step-by-step procedure for modeling and analysis of frame structure using ETABS is explained through a simple example Subsequently an example of seismic analysis of regular frame structure and irregular frame structure are solved manually and through ETABS Example A plan of ?ve storey reinforced concrete RC frame structure is considered for modeling and analysis using ETABS Beam sizes ? mm Storey Height m Columns sizes ? mm Live Load kN m Slab thickness mm Floor Finish Load kN m Concrete grade M Steel Fe Zone V Importance Factor Response Reduction Factor Medium soil CStep Modeling using ETABS Open the ETABS Program Check the units of the model in the drop-down box in the lower right-hand corner of the ETABS window click the drop-down box to set units to kip-ft Click the File menu New model command Note we select No because this ?rst model you will built The next form of Building Plan Grid System and Story Data De ?nition will be displayed after you select NO button Set the grid line and spacing between two grid lines Set the story height data using Edit Story Data command C De ?ne the design code using Options Preferences Concrete Frame Design Command CThis will Display the Concrete Frame Design Preference form as shown in the ?gure Click the De ?ne menu Material Properties CAdd New Material or Modify Show Material used to de ?ne material properties Default concrete material ??CONC ? has been used for this example Strength of concrete Fc ? psi Yield strength of main reinforcement Fy psi Yield strength of shear reinforcement Fys psi Young Modulus of concrete Ec ksi De ?ne section columns and beams using De ?ne Frame section CDe ?ne beam sizes and click Reinforcement command to provided concrete cover De ?ne Column Add Rectangular section Name Col x Material name Con Dimensions Depth in Width in Click reinforcement Select Column Select Rectangular Ties Rectangular Cover to rebar centre mm Bar size d Corner bar d Reinforcement to be designed Ok Ok CDe ?ne column sizes and click Reinforcement command to provided concrete cover and used two options Reinforcement checked or designed De ?ne wall slab deck C Generate the model Draw beam using Create Line Command and draw column using Create Column command C

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