Facet student guide A Student ? s guide to FACET CWe focus on ability not disability A welcome from CEO Linda Ingram We hope that you will ?nd courses and activities that will be of interest At FACET we combine education life skills and fun to help meet a

A Student ? s guide to FACET CWe focus on ability not disability A welcome from CEO Linda Ingram We hope that you will ?nd courses and activities that will be of interest At FACET we combine education life skills and fun to help meet all outcomes We look forward to welcoming you for your ?rst visit to FACET FACET o ?ers all of our students a comfortable environment in which to explore new ideas and develop skills either through our activity sessions or accredited training courses Linda Ingram CEO COur Students We have approximately students attending our training facility each week all of whom are adults with varying learning disabilities living in the Fenland area Some of our students also have physical disabilities or su ?er sensory impairment mental health problems various forms of autism or head injury victims Our aim is to help them reach their full potential in life and to live comfortably and productively within the community FACET aims to o ?er fair access to quality day opportunities for people with learning disabilities We will do this by creating a safe friendly and stimulating environment where people can socialise and interact with peers if they wish support and the possibility to include carers in our work ensuring that everyone has own personalised timetable the student has worked in helping design this timetable to most help meet their individual needs This ensures the students FACET experience is unique to you and based on your identi ?ed needs and wishes encourage people who use our services and those important to them to be involved in planning and service delivery providing a range of group individual centre and community-based activities in which you can choose to participate improve the quality of life of people with learning disabilities and help them to make use of community-based activities and opportunities o ?ering opportunities for you to maintain and enhance your independence and life skills provide a high level of personal and emotional support according to individual needs having senior managerial sta ? attended reviews and planning meetings with you to ensure you are happy with the activities you access So what can we o ?er We want to make things as easy and stress free as possible right from day of transitioning to FACET as a new student we think the key to this is consistency Therefore the full process from the very ?rst phone call of enquiry through to guided tours of the building for both families and the student themself is conducted by the registered manager This consistency and working with one familiar face throughout works wonders to help a seamless and easy to settle in way of life to joining us at FACET We provide over di ?erent programmes every day of the week Monday ?? Friday This document includes just a sample of the range of programmes on o ?er We support our students to take part in community- based activities such as sport and leisure or

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