Fas guide F A S ield ccounting ystem System Administration Guidelines Initial Con ?guration Checks A Guidebook to FAS Workstation Set-up FAS Help Desk Documentation Wednesday April CTABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CONTROLLING COMMUNICATION COSTS NETWORK IN

F A S ield ccounting ystem System Administration Guidelines Initial Con ?guration Checks A Guidebook to FAS Workstation Set-up FAS Help Desk Documentation Wednesday April CTABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CONTROLLING COMMUNICATION COSTS NETWORK INSTALLATIONS MAKING THE DISPLAY LARGER OPTIONAL BIT ODBC SETTINGS MODEM SETTINGS DIAL UP NETWORKING SETTINGS SITA CONNECTION INITIAL REPLICATION TEST CFAS System Administration Guidelines Initial Con ?guration Checks Introduction The settings described in this document have already been con ?gured at regional training centers prior to shipping to ?eld o ?ce destinations The majority of these settings should not require any adjustment In case changes are necessary please take extreme care in making any changes If for any reason you do NOT feel comfortable making any changes to your FAS workstation please seek the assistance of local technical support personnel that can verify your FAS workstation settings This Guide contains a series of installation checks to ensure that your FAS con ?guration is correct and that your startup goes smoothly Settings that are user preferences are indicated as optional All other settings should conform to the settings documented in this guide Additionally please keep a log of any changes you have made to assist the FAS Help Desk in troubleshooting any problems that your o ?ce may encounter If desired record the changes on a hardcopy printout of these guides and keep the marked copy in a binder close to the FAS workstation for later reference Forms have been included to assist in the recording of replication information Preparation of this document has been greatly assisted by contributions from Ivette Quintana FAO Cuba We wish to extend our gratitude for her admirable and extensive volunteer e ?orts Where to report Problems The following FAS Help Desk post o ?ce boxes have been set up for email reporting of problems related to FAS operations FAS Help Desk English FAS Help Desk French FAS Help Desk Spanish fas-helpdesk-eng fao org fas-helpdesk-fra fao org fas-helpdesk-esp fao org FAS Help Desk Documentation Printed Apr CFAS System Administration Guidelines Initial Con ?guration Checks Controlling Communication Costs Containing FAS communication costs is in everyone ? s best interest Every e ?ort has been made and FAS support will continue to review methods to minimize the amount of time required for communications between decentralised o ?ces and Rome headquarters The best advice for containing communication costs is close monitoring of any and all dial-up communications Perhaps the best analogy is ??If the motor is running it ? s burning up gasoline ? The same is true for all telephone calls made through the FAS internal modem Connect only when you need to and do not forget to immediately disconnect when done The collection of guides in this Initial Con ?guration Checks document and FAS Replication Guidelines document outline many important FAS workstation settings that can help you minimize communication costs Additionally there are many helpful hints on manual procedures that you can follow to further lower FAS operation costs This chapter of the Initial

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  • Publié le Aoû 24, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 111.6kB