int ug guide INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT GUIDE CWELCOME TO ANU The Australian National University ANU is one of the world ? s leading institutions for research and education Founded by the Australian Government in to apply the best minds to the bi

INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT GUIDE CWELCOME TO ANU The Australian National University ANU is one of the world ? s leading institutions for research and education Founded by the Australian Government in to apply the best minds to the biggest questions and advance Australia ? s international standing ANU has grown to become one of the world ? s most respected centres of higher learning ANU is consistently ranked as one of the world ? s top universities by the QS World Univeristy Rankings the Times Higher Education Supplement the Shanghai Jiao Tong University ? s Institute of Higher Education and Newsweek International More than per cent of research from ANU is rated above world standard and the University has an enviable reputation for excellence in academic teaching graduate outcomes student experience and access to some of the best resources in the nation As a small university ANU has a higher than average number of sta ? per student ensuring that our students enjoy small class sizes with unrivalled access to some of the world ? s ?nest thinkers and scholars In the Global Employability University Survey ranked ANU graduates as Australia ? s most employable The University is equipped with state-of-the-art technology modern lecture theatres computing and laboratory facilities and ?ve main libraries The ANU campus sits on hectares of beautifully maintained bushland in the heart of Canberra Australia ? s national capital In Canberra was ranked by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD as the best place to live in the world The ANU campus is an easy walk to city shops cafes and restaurants and close to many of Australia ? s best sporting recreational and cultural facilities The University has an extensive range of accommodation options available both on and o ? the campus I invite you to explore the international student guide to ?nd out more about what ANU has to o ?er you and why it is Australia ? s highest ranked university I look forward to welcoming you to campus in Professor Ian Young AO Vice-Chancellor and President CCONTENTS Immerse yourself in excellence Notable statistics accolades See your future Explore your world International opportunities Live in the wellbeing capital Study options Design the degree that suits you Single programs fees academic entry requirements Flexible Double Degrees fees Vertical Double Degrees fees Undergraduate Research Degrees Program structure Arts and Social Sciences Asia and the Paci ?c Busines and Economics Engineering and Computer Science Law Science Majors minors Student life Experience campus life Join in the fun Be part of a team Welcome home Accommodation guarantee for new international undergraduate students On-campus accommodation Cost of living How to apply How do I apply Pathways to ANU Student support We help you to succeed Student services Scholarships Campus map Published May by the Division of Student Recruitment and Admissions The Australian National University CRICOS Provider Number C No undertakings are binding on the University unless they are obtained in an o ?cial letter from the

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