A restoration of the triads in european languages

A Restoration of the Triads in the European Languages Joannes Richter Triad Symbol The sky-god Justice Wisdom Greek Triad Etruscan Trinity Triad Roman Capitoline Triad Zeus king of the gods ?? Tinia ? TI- A NIA DiEUS TIOUS - IANUS Themis ?? ThEMIS EMI ? Uni ?? UNI s ?? second spouse of Zeus JUNO S Metis - METIS ? ? ?rst spouse of Zeus Menrva MENIRVA Jupiter father ?? DJOUS -PITER Juno wife ?? JUNO S Minerva daughter MINERVA Table A Restoration of the Triads in the European Languages Abstract A triad in a religious context refers to a grouping of three gods usually by importance or similar roles Georges Dumézil is well known for his formulation of the trifunctional hypothesis on Proto-IndoEuropean mythology and society Dumézil postulates a tripartite ideology idéologie tripartite re ected in the existence of three classes or castes ??priests warriors and commoners farmers or tradesmen ??corresponding to the three functions of the sacral the martial and the economic respectively In this paper the tripartite ideology may be con ?rmed and supported by the characterized by the pentagrams but the three classes or castes seem to be di ?erent The Greek mythology is based on the triad Zeus with his st and nd spouses Metis METIS respectively Themis ThEMIS The youngest Roman Capitoline Triad is composed of Jupiter Juno and Minerva and had been founded on the Etruscan Triad Tinia Uni Menrva The oldest traditional prehistoric Proto-Indo-European society is based on the triad Jupiter- MarsQuirinus ? The name Jupiter is is a composition of DJOUS and PITER in which the Roman sky-god DJOUS is the Latin equivalent of Zeus DiEUS In analogy of the composition of DiousPiter in IU-piter the name Tinia may be a composition of Tious TIOUS and Janus IANUS ? Ti a nia TI- A NIA ? The Etruscan deity Uni correlates to the Latin Juno The origin of the names Juno and Uni may be based on a pentagram JUNOS ? The transformation Menrva ? Minerva MENIRVA ? MINERVA seem to be derived from the Greek deity METIS ? ? ??wisdom ? personi ?ed by Pallas Athene In analogy of Pallas Athene's birth from the skull of Zeus the Etruscan deity Menrva is born from Tinia's head From ca BCE the vowels in the second syllable of the Etruscan words disappears MENIRVA ? Menrva CThe French mythologist and linguist Georges Dumézil correctly identi ?ed the triads Pentagrams con ?rm the synchronization of the name-givings The composition of the triads may partly classify the social castes but also classi ?es the authorities of the religious leaders jurisdiction and clever wisdom Anyway in the Roman society the plebeians and aristocracy each determined to follow their own triads Ceres-Liber-Libera respectively Jupiter-Juno-Minerva CThe pantheon of the Greek Etruscan and Roman mythologies The pantheon of the Greek Etruscan and Roman mythologies is based on a sky-god and two accompanying goddesses who represent the sky-god's wisdom and justice In Hellenic mythology the links between the sky-god Zeus

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