Aethiopica international journal of ethiopian and eritrean studies 3

AETHIOPICA International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies Edited in the Asien-Afrika-Institut Hiob Ludolf Zentrum für ? thiopistik der Universit? t Hamburg Abteilung für Afrikanistik und ? thiopistik by Alessandro Bausi in cooperation with Bairu Ta a Ulrich Brauk? mper Ludwig Gerhardt Hilke Meyer-Bahlburg and Siegbert Uhlig Harrassowitz Verlag Wiesbaden Vignette Gold coin of King Aphilas early third century ce as drawn by A Luegmeyer after the coin in Rennau collection Weight ??grams diameter ??mm Aethiopica International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies is an internationally refereed academic journal edited at the Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian Studies and at the Department of African and Ethiopian Studies of the AsienAfrika-Institut at Hamburg Universit? t Alsterterrasse Hamburg Germany Tel - e-mail aethiopica uni-hamburg de The journal focuses on philology linguistics archaeology history cultural anthropology religion philosophy literature and manuscript studies with a regional emphasis on Eritrea Ethiopia the Horn of Africa and related areas The editors welcome contributions on relevant academic topics as well as on recent research in the respective ?eld Each issue of Aethiopica contains reviews of books which form a substantial section of the journal Aethiopica is published mainly in English Articles in French German and Italian are also accepted for publication An English summary for all articles in any language is provided A series of supplements of monographic or occasional character is also published Opinions expressed in articles and reviews in Aethiopica are the views of the authors and not those of the editors the publishers or the editorial board Editorial Team Susanne Hummel Thomas Rave International Editorial Board David Appleyard London Rodolfo Fattovich Napoli Alessandro Gori Copenhagen Marilyn E Heldman Silver Spring Olga Kapeliuk Jerusalem Richard Pankhurst Addis Ababa London Alain Rouaud Paris Shiferaw Bekele Addis Ababa Rainer Voigt Berlin Publication of this journal was supported by a grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ? Otto Harrassowitz GmbH Co KG Wiesbaden This journal including all of its parts is protected by copyright Any use beyond the limits of copyright law without the permission of the publisher is forbidden and subject to penalty This applies particularly to reproductions translations micro ?lms and storage and processing in electronic systems Printing and binding by Memminger MedienCentrum Druckerei und Verlags-AG Printed on permanent durable paper Printed in Germany www harrassowitz-verlag de ISSN - Table of Contents Editorial Bibliographical abbreviations used in this volume Articles JEAN-FRANÇOIS FAÜ De la sainteté de Kaleb lla A ?b a dans l ? iconographie baroque portugaise GABRIELE CIAMPI Moving to Map and Mapping to Move The East Africa Colonial Itineraries of the IGM Archives and Library as a Special Genre in Cartography MARIA BULAKH and LEONID KOGAN Towards a Comprehensive Edition of the Arabic ?? Ethiopic Glossary of al-Malik al-Af ?al Part III New Readings from the Third Sheet RAINER VOIGT Bibliographie zur ? thiosemitischen und kuschitischen Sprachwissenschaft XVIII Proceedings of the ? th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies Movements in Ethiopia Ethiopia in Movement ? Dire Dawa Ethiopia October ??November Panel on Manuscript Studies BOGDAN

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