Ap style guide cheat sheet
consistency Writers Style Guide A-to-Z guide for written communications at the University August consistency kuh n-sis-tuh n-see adherence to the same principles agreement harmony or compatibility holding together and retaining form Colorado State University Writers Style Guide About this style guide The Colorado State University Writers Style Guide supplements The Associated Press Stylebook and addresses editorial questions speci ?c to the University This guide is intended to facilitate consistency in written communications geared to the general public and is not intended for students or faculty members writing academic papers Communications targeted to scienti ?c technical or speci ?c audiences or for the Web may require a di ?erent style In addition to The Associated Press Stylebook hereafter called the AP Stylebook Colorado State communications specialists also consult other sources including The Gregg Reference Manual A Manual of Style Grammar Usage and Formatting by William A Sabin For spelling rely on Webster ? s New World College Dictionary Consult the Colorado State University Communications Toolbox at http ccs colostate edu for communications and graphic standards speci ?c to the University See also the section on References and Links on Page Written communication is dynamic and continually evolving therefore this guide is subject to periodic updating Revised versions of the Colorado State University Writers Style Guide will be announced on this website and via electronic media including Today Colorado State and the University ? s main Web page at http www colostate edu Contact Communications and Creative Services with questions and comments or for information about style editing services Communications and Creative Services Colorado State University Aylesworth Hall S W Campus Delivery Fort Collins CO - Phone - Fax - www ccs colostate edu August Colorado State University Writers Style Guide August Contents A a per abbreviations abbreviations of foreign phrases academic degrees academic departments colleges o ?ces academic titles acronyms addresses adviser a ?ect e ?ect African American ages alumni a m p m among between ampersand Anglo Asian American assure ensure insure athletics awards fellowships medals prizes scholarships B Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science beside besides black Black American blog board Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System book titles buildings places Business Reply Mail C Cabinet capitalization Caucasian white century chairman chairwoman chapters Chicano Chicana cities colleges Colorado State University Colorado State University Extension Colorado State University System commas committee complement compliment compose comprise constitute composition titles compound words comprise ii Colorado State University Writers Style Guide August computer terminology conference titles contractions Cooperative Extension countries course titles and numbers course work D dash dates days of the week dean decades degrees academic degrees temperature departments o ?ces centers dimensions directions regions disabilities diversity E e ?ect ellipsis e-mail emeritus entitled titled Equal Employment Opportunity Commission essential nonessential clauses ethnicity ethnic origin events Extension F farther further fax fellow fellowships fewer ?scal year foreign names words Fort fractions fundraising fundraiser G gender-speci ?c language governor grade point average GPA grades - grader graphic standards greater H
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- Publié le Aoû 05, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 343.1kB