Medabots metabee walkthrough faq game highlights create wiki videos images all articles

Game Highlights Create Wiki Videos Images All Articles Medabots Metabee - Walkthrough FAQ -------------------------------MEDABOTS AN RPG ADVENTURE------------------------------ Legal info and contact information ------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER This walkthrough FAQ is written by Vasilios Bouzoukos and you are all free to use it to your website If you want to contact me for more help send me an email to vbouzoukos hotmail com I won't give tips that are already in this walkthrough This walkthrough can be found at these sites www neoseeker com www gamefaqs com Warning This walkthrough is copyright protected Bouzoukos Vasilis FAQ History ----------------------------- version walkthrough version changes Add medal locations Fixed some spelling version changes Visual changes and Cat medal guide tested and guide not tested CAdd how to get the rd medabot of elemental series look at F version changes Cat medal guide and guide Tested and Battle tips --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH-------------------------------------------------------------------------version -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ba tips A GET YOUR MEDABOT B GIRL TICKLER MEDABOT C THE GHOST MEDABOT D KIDNAPS AT MEDABOT ISLAND E PROBLEMS IN MEDAROPOLIS THE CLEVER RUBBEROBO F INSIDE THE RUBBEROBO HIDEOUT G THE ANT MEDABOTS IN THE SECRET RUINS H THE ANCIENT KODINE KINGDOM I THE FIYUN AIR FORTRESS J THE RUBBEROBO BASE IN THE MEDABOT ISLAND K THE FINAL COUNTDOWN THE MEGA EMPEROR L THE PARTSUN RALLY M CAT AND MEDALS GUIDE N QUESTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------ Battle tips Before we start we are going to introduce some attributes of the medaparts and the medals The medal Each medal has an attribute This attribute gives a compatibility bonus to the medaparts that have the same attribute with the medal CThis bonus gives speed and success rate to the medabot user plus more damage when this medapart is supported by an ally Next comes the aim This means that if you are using medaparts that have target function the target will choose a medabot that is equipped with a medapart of the type that the medal aims Medal transormations and medaforce All the medals after some levels transforms and get a medaforce skill What transformation does The transformation of the medal ?rst changes the appearence of the medal but it is not only that It o ?ers to the medabot speed and the ability to evade more often plus hight rates of success when it attacks Also scout support gives to the medabot more ?repower than before The ?rst transform happens to level It comes with the ?rst medaforce skill The second transform happens to level Your medal then gets its second medaforce skill some medals like the medal won't transform after that The third transform happens to level Your medal get's its third and last medaforce skill There is and one th transformation that happens only to Kabuto and Kawaguta medals That's why these medal's are the best and must be used in your team if you manage to have both them This is the transform that happens to level You won't get a new medaforce but you medabot will be strong enought

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