Bibliography 2023 03 28T004441 691

Bibliography Primary Sources https libcom org library white-rose- documents White Rose Documents Libcom org N p n d Web Jan I used this source to ?nd the original lea ets of the White Rose Movement I put quotes from parts of the lea ets all around my website This site had all the original lea ets on it so I got to read all of them and see what the college students wrote http www bbc com news magazine- Burns Lucy White Rose The Germans Who Tried to Topple Hitler B BC News BBC Feb Web Feb I used this website to ?nd a picture of Hans and Sophie together I used this picture on my website on the page ??The Scholl ? s History ? http www newenglishreview org custpage cfm frm sec id The White Rose An Interview N p n d Web Feb http www newenglishreview org custpage cfm frm sec id CI used this interview with Mrs Susanne to ?nd out all I could about her relationship with the White Rose and I found out that she was a good friend of Sophies Mrs Susanne helped Sophie create the stencils that Hans used to gra ?ti anti-Nazi slogans on walls in Munich https jewishtulsa org thewhiterose White Rose Memorial Essay Contest White Rose Memorial Essay Contest Jewish Federation of Tulsa N p n d Web Feb I took a picture from this website of Christoph Probst Hans and Sophie Scholl I used this photo on my home page http www germany info Vertretung usa en ForeignPolicyState HistoricRespo nsibility WhiteRose html Years Later The Enduring Impact of the White Rose G erman Missions in the United States - The White Rose N p n d Web Feb ForeignPolicyState HistoricResp onsibility WhiteRose html This website helped me ?nd out what happened when the Hans and Sophie Scholl went to distribute lea ets at the Munich University I found out that Sophie still had lea ets lea ets after distributing them around the University up to the third oor so she threw them over the balcony and that ? s when she was seen by a caretaker Chttp newyorkencounter squarespace com -exhibits the-white- rose html New York Encounter T he White Rose - Exhibits N p n d Web Feb http newyorkencounter squarespace com -exhibits the-white- rose html I used this website to ?nd all about the marble dedication piece for White Rose in Munich The piece was an image of all the lea ets the White Roses made It ? s made out of marble and implanted in the sidewalk for everyone to see in Munich We Will Not Be Silent -Russell Freedman Freedman Russell We Will Not Be Silent The White Rose Student Resistance Movement That De ?ed Adolf Hitler Boston Clarion Houghton Mi in Harcourt Print I used this source to ?nd out the name of the janitor who got called the Gestapo and Hans and Sophie arrested His name was I also used this book

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