Bibliography 20 Bibliography Atwood Margaret I n Other Worlds SF and the Human Imagination Nan A Talese Doubleday New York Braidotti Rosi The Posthuman C ambridge Polity Cecilia ? sberg Rosi Braidotti A Feminist Companion to the Posthumanities S pringer C
Bibliography Atwood Margaret I n Other Worlds SF and the Human Imagination Nan A Talese Doubleday New York Braidotti Rosi The Posthuman C ambridge Polity Cecilia ? sberg Rosi Braidotti A Feminist Companion to the Posthumanities S pringer Claeys Gregory Dystopia A NaturalHistory A Study of Modern Despotism Its Antecedents and Its Literary Di ?ractions O xford OUP Clarke Bruce Manuela Rossini The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Posthuman Cambridge CUP Garrard Greg Ecocriticism New York Routledge Haraway Donna S ymians Cyborgs and Women New York Routledge Hayles N Katherine H ow We Became Posthuman Chicago The University of Chicago Press Self Will ??In the beginning Will Self o n the genesis of The Book of Dave ? The Guardian https www theguardian com books jun willself Accessed th of January Wolfe Cary W hat is Posthumanism M inneapolis University of Minnesota Press C
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