Bibliography 91 Bibliography Y ARATA Plasma Electron Laser Beam Technology American Society for Metals Ohio T BELL Survey of the Heat Treatment of Engineering Components The Metals Society London F P BOWDEN and D TABOR The Friction and Lubrication of Soli
Bibliography Y ARATA Plasma Electron Laser Beam Technology American Society for Metals Ohio T BELL Survey of the Heat Treatment of Engineering Components The Metals Society London F P BOWDEN and D TABOR The Friction and Lubrication of Solids Oxford Clarendon Press V E CARTER Metallic Coatingsfor Corrosion Control B utterworths London R CHATTERJEE-FISCHER ed Nitrieren und Nitrocarburieren expert-Verlag Sindel ?ngen H C Child Surface Hardening of Steel Oxford University Press Oxford V DEMBOVSKY Plasma Metallurgy Elsevier Amsterdam J K DENNIS and T E SUCH Nickel and Chromium Plating rd edn Woodhead Publishing Cambridge L C FELDMAN and J W MAYER Fundamentals of Surface and Thin Film Analysis North Holland New York P D HODGSON ed Quenching and Carburising The Institute of Materials London I M HUTCHINGS Tribology Edward Arnold London K L JOHNSON Contact Mechanics Cambridge University Press Cambridge E MACHERAUCH and V HAUK eds Residual Stresses Oberursel Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Metallkunde D MATEJKA AND B BENKO Plasma Spraying of Metallic and Ceramic Materials John Wiley Sons Chichester CP L B OXLEY Mechanics of Machining Ellis Horwood Limited Chichester L L SHREIR ed Corrosion nd edn Butterworths London K- E THELNING Steel and its Heat Treatment Butterworths London E M TRENT Metal Cutting rd edn Butterworths London E TYRKIEL ed Multilingual Glossary of Heat Treatment Terminology The Institute of Metals London J L VOSSEN and W KERN eds Thin Film Processes Academic Press New York J M WALLS ed Methods of Surface Analysis Cambridge University Press Cambridge R B WATERHOUSE Fretting Corrosion Pergamon Press Oxford The Canning Handbook rd edn W Canning pic Birmingham Wear Resistant Surfaces in Engineering HMSO London C
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- Publié le Jan 13, 2022
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