Bibliography of tu 00 ash b rich

B M S b UNIVERSITY OF CLIBRARY University of California Class C C C A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TUNISIA ? ROM TIIK EARLIEST TIMES TO THE END OF i S IN TWO FARTS INCLUDING UTICA AND CARTHAGE THE PUNIC WARS THK ROMAN OCCUPATION THE ARAB CONQUES'l' THE EXPEDITIONS OF LOUIS IX AND CHARLES V AND THE FRENCH PROTECTORATE BY H S ASHBEE F S A F R G S WITH A MAP LONDON DULAU CO SOHO SQL'ARE V C CUf A C Cmf m pm m PREFACE F the four North African kingdoms or provinces known collectively as the Barbary States none is of greater interest historical or archaeological than the Bcylik of Tunis Here ourished Utica and Carthage which in turn dominated the then known world until both succumbed to the eagles of Rome Connected 'with them may be mentioned the names of Apulcius the two Catos TertuUianus Saints Augustin Cyprien and Victor Noble ruins still attest the former splendour and opulence of such cities as Bulla Regia Hadrumetum Sufetula Thugga The amphitheatre of Thysdrus second only in size and grandeur to the Colosseum at Rome is even now but partially destroyed The plains of Oued Melian and Oued Medjerda are yet spanned by the stupendous aqueduct constructed by the Emperor Hadrian to bring the water of Zaghouan to Carthage In the heart of Tunisia the Arab conqueror Okbah ? Kcd his Kairouan which became after Mecca the most holy city of the Mohammedan world At Tunis the last crusade came to an end with the death of Louis IX and Barbarossa was there overthrown by Charles V Our own Queen Caroline attended by Count Bergamy visited Tunis and there expired the author of ' Home sweet home ' In the vicinity of Gabes one strikes the great inland sea which has so much occupied the attention of engineers of the present day Tunisia o ?ers then a rich ?eld for the arcliaeologist the iiis- torian and the man of science and a bibliography of the country albeit an imperfect one may be found useful This compilation or the part of it comprised between the pages and originally appeared in Travels in Tunisia see p post In o ?ering it as a separate publication and as an C ?? PREFACE humble member of that series of bibliographies which thanks to the energy devotion and learning of Sir R Lambert Playfair will soon include all the Barbary States we have added a second part comprising many books and articles formerly omitted either intentionally or through oversight and bringing it down to the present day f ?? The following Bibliography comprises i Books on Car- thage and Utica with their history and archjeology Books on Tunisia or on towns or separate districts of that country Books partly on Tunisia Books on the Barbary States when Tunisia is included and their piracies Articles in Societies' Transactions Collections of Travels Encyclopaedias Magazines and other periodicals Dictionaries and Manuals A of Conversation in the Arab

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