Fraud guide A claims handler ? s guide Fraud Investigation A practical guide to the key issues and current law Autumn C CFraud Investigation OVERVIEW In we published the ?rst edition of Fraud Investigation ?? A claims handler ? s guide The decision to cre

A claims handler ? s guide Fraud Investigation A practical guide to the key issues and current law Autumn C CFraud Investigation OVERVIEW In we published the ?rst edition of Fraud Investigation ?? A claims handler ? s guide The decision to create the fraud guide stemmed from the need to have one simple reference source on fraud investigation for claims handlers The document was intended to provide an overview of the key issues in relation to fraud investigation including a history of insurance fraud and the current state of play From the many insurance industry acknowledgments received there is no doubt that claims handlers have found the fraud guide to be an extremely useful reference point It is partly with this in mind that we have produced this third edition Another key driver for producing this latest edition has of course been the current global recession which has coincided with a large increase in fraudulent insurance claims In July the Association of British Insurers said for example that the value of fraudulent claims had risen from - In di ?cult times human behaviour patterns change people who would normally behave honestly may consider instigating an insurance claim as a way of resolving their ?nancial problems Sadly desperate people do desperate things In light of these unprecedented economic circumstances we felt it was appropriate to produce a new version of the guide to assist insurers combat ?nancial crime whilst always treating their genuine customer with fairness and integrity Fraud Investigation ?? A claims handler ? s guide Autumn incorporates changes in both legislation and case law as well as additional comment and observation since the production of the original guide in Fraud has been a problem for the insurance market from its early days Since that time the insurance market has changed considerably There is an ever-increasing requirement to provide excellent customer service manage total claims costs reduce the lifecycle of claims and meet claimants ? legitimate expectations Within the insurance market insurers have to respond quickly and fairly to policyholders and claimants which is only right However it is also imperative that claims are validated properly to ensure that the premium pool which is funded by all policyholders is not depleted by the fraudulent activities of the ever increasing few Throughout the guide we take a look in more detail at what constitutes fraud but it is fair to say that the most common type of fraud in all classes of genuine insurance business is the in ation of otherwise genuine claims Trying to understand what is fraud in this area was another driver for publishing such a guide This review is about information gathering and the inevitable background of relevant case law We consider the who what why when and how of investigation and link this to marshalling an enquiry with an outcome in mind Fraud investigation as much as any claims activity is about the tactics and looking for the ? pressure points ? in the story

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  • Publié le Mar 08, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 432.8kB