Bilderdijk scienceoflanguage

See discussions stats and author pro ?les for this publication at https www researchgate net publication Willem Bilderdijk - and the science of language Chapter January DOI sihols noo CITATIONS author Jan Noordegraaf Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam PUBLICATIONS CITATIONS SEE PROFILE READS Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects Nederlanders in Baskenland View project Study of Low Dutch View project All content following this page was uploaded by Jan Noordegraaf on May The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded ?le CFrom David Cram Andrew Linn Elke Nowak eds History of Linguistics Volume From Classical to Contemporary Linguistics Selected Papers from the Seventh International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences ICHOLS VII Oxford - September Studies in the History of the Language Sciences Amsterdam John Benjamins - ISBN WILLEM BILDERDIJK - AND THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE A Dutch linguist between two worlds Jan Noordegraaf VU University Amsterdam Introduction In concluding his address about the mystery of human language the notorious Dutch linguist Jac van Ginneken S J argued that what the more recent conception of language only now begins to comprehend had been felt and grasped much earlier by among others his compatriot Willem Bilderdijk In his paper van Ginneken argued that the most comprehensive miracle of the mind language had become the richest and most venerable image of God on earth Creation then had originated from Logos the Eternal Word of the Father as van Ginneken said It was Willem Bilderdijk van Ginneken continued who with similar hesitation to ours had sensed the mystery of human language on the dim boundaries between heaven and earth as Bilderdijk had described it in one of his poems matter and mind blend into each other Thus van Ginneken Anno Domini At ?rst sight it seems an odd couple the Nijmegen Jesuit on the one hand and Bilderdijk the Calvinist poet on the other Willem Bilderdijk however was not only a poet but also a linguist and what is more a controversial personality His life and works characterized by great paradoxes have continued to intrigue Dutch scholars both his contemporaries as well as later contemplators In this paper I would like to discuss some of Bilderdijk's linguistic ideas against the background of the ongoing debate on the transition which took place in the study of language in the early decades of the th century The case of Bilderdijk is the more interesting because scholars have been pointing at his apparent split personality In this connection linguists have identi ?ed two distinct elements etymology and mysticism I will deal with both of them but ?rst I will provide some biographical data concerning this much debated Dutch linguist Willem Bilderdijk - Bilderdijk was one of the most remarkable Dutch poets of the th century He was a supporter of the House of Orange and as a consequence in when the Stadtholder William V ed to This paper was also presented at the th Biennial Interdisciplinary Conference on

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