Clarification guide Hello everyone We just want to reiterate the following as important guidelines in your acquisition of Skills and Knowledge Make it a habit to VALIDATE what is taught to you with reference books In the event that what is taught was a kn

Hello everyone We just want to reiterate the following as important guidelines in your acquisition of Skills and Knowledge Make it a habit to VALIDATE what is taught to you with reference books In the event that what is taught was a knowledge or skill particular to only one institution organization hospital it does not mean ALL institutions organizations hospitals embrace that Therefore what you should use as a guide for nursing practice are universally accepted truths and principles such as that in your books As a reminder make this table your guide of the universal principles followed in maintaining aseptic techniques PROCEDURE MEDICAL SURGICAL HANDWASHING Elbows higher than hands Hands higher than elbows Kozier p Kozier p GOWNING N A When donning gown grab by the CREASE OF THE NECK Kozier p GLOVING Remove gloves ?rst this is the MOST soiled Kozier p If donning gloves using open method If donning gloves using closed work the hands down the sleeves and method work the hands down through the cu ?s Kozier p the sleeves only to the proximal edge of the cu ?s Kozier p Reference Fundamentals of Nursing by Kozier Erb et al th edition Pages may vary in di ?erent editions but contents are the same LET ME REMIND YOU THAT THESE ARE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES VERY IMPORTANT IN THE PRACTICE OF NURSING FAILURE TO BE GUIDED BY THE RIGHT PRINCIPLES MAY RESULT TO HARMING PATIENTS AS STUDENTS FAILURE TO BE GUIDED BY THE RIGHT PRINCIPLES MAY RESULT TOFAILURE IN THE BOARD EXAM BE VIGILANT READ YOUR BOOKS I am sending hand outs for Preparation Administration of Medications and EPI Guide for your reference We cannot discuss all these due to time limitations so use these hand outs in studying and preparing for o ?-campus duty Thank you very much C

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