Glsen educatorsguide ThinkB YouSpeak Educator ? s Guide For Discussing and Addressing Anti-Gay Language among Teens Contents Introduction About the Campaign About the Partners Using the Educator ? s Guide Creating a Safe Space for Discussion Responding to

ThinkB YouSpeak Educator ? s Guide For Discussing and Addressing Anti-Gay Language among Teens Contents Introduction About the Campaign About the Partners Using the Educator ? s Guide Creating a Safe Space for Discussion Responding to Resistance A Note about Language Using the Ads Discussing the Television Ads Discussing the Radio Ads Discussing the ??That ? s So ? Print Ads Discussing the Dictionary Print Ads Educational Activities Activity Where Do I Stand Activity ??That ? s So Gay ? on Trial Activity Impact versus Intention Activity Breaking the Habit Activity From Bystander to Ally Activity Planning a School Wide ??ThinkB YouSpeak ? Campaign Additional Resources What ? s in a Word The History of ??Faggot ? ??Dyke ? and ??Gay ? Zero Indi ?erence Ending Name-Calling in Schools Further Resources Appendixes Appendix A Television Ads Appendix B Radio Ads Appendix C ??That ? s So ? Print Ads Appendix D Dictionary Print Ads ? Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Data and research in Did You Know boxes from Kosciw J G Diaz E M and Greytak E A National School Climate Survey The experiences of lesbian gay bisexual and transgender youth in our nation ? s schools New York GLSEN Introduction Lesbian gay bisexual and transgender LGBT teens in the U S experience homophobic remarks and harassment throughout the school day creating an atmosphere where they feel disrespected unwanted and unsafe GLSEN ? s National School Climate Survey found that nearly three-quarters of LGBT students hear homophobic language such as ??faggot ? or ??dyke ? and more than nine in ten hear the word ??gay ? used in a negative way frequently or often at school Though many play down the impact of expressions like ??that ? s so gay ? because they have become such a common part of teens ? vernacular and are often not intended to in ict harm of LGBT students say that hearing ??gay ? or ??queer ? used in a negative manner causes them to feel bothered or distressed DID YOU KNOW out of LGBT students hear the word ??gay ? used in a negative way often or frequently in school and nearly out of LGBT students report hearing their peers make homophobic remarks such as ??dyke ? or ??faggot ? often or frequently in school Studies indicate that youth who regularly experience verbal or physical harassment su ?er from emotional turmoil low self-esteem loneliness depression poor academic achievement and high rates of absenteeism Research also shows that many of the bystanders to acts of harassment experience feelings of helplessness and powerlessness and develop poor coping and problem-solving skills Clearly homophobic and all types of harassment ??and the toxic e ?ects they produce ??are whole school problems that all educators must confront To address this disconcerting reality the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network

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  • Publié le Sep 19, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 142kB