Crisp et al 2009 See discussions stats and author pro ?les for this publication at https www researchgate net publication Interpersonal attachment predicts identi ?cation with groups Article in Journal of Experimental Social Psychology January DOI j jesp
See discussions stats and author pro ?les for this publication at https www researchgate net publication Interpersonal attachment predicts identi ?cation with groups Article in Journal of Experimental Social Psychology January DOI j jesp CITATIONS authors including Richard J Crisp Aston University PUBLICATIONS CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Harriet E S Rosenthal- Stott Durham University PUBLICATIONS CITATIONS SEE PROFILE READS Claire V Farrow Aston University PUBLICATIONS CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Judi Walsh University of East Anglia PUBLICATIONS CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects Counter-stereotypes and creativity View project Reducing prejudice and improving attitudes among children The use of direct and indirect contact interventions View project All content following this page was uploaded by Harriet E S Rosenthal-Stott on September The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded ?le CJournal of Experimental Social Psychology ?? Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Experimental Social Psychology journal homepage www elsevier com locate jesp Interpersonal attachment predicts identi ?cation with groups Richard J Crisp a Claire V Farrow b Harriet E S Rosenthal c Judi Walsh d Jackie Blissett e Nicola M K Penn e a Centre for the Study of Group Processes Department of Psychology Keynes College University of Kent Canterbury Kent CT NP UK b Department of Human Sciences Loughborough University Loughborough Leicestershire LE TU UK c Psychology Department Durham University Science Laboratories South Road Durham DH LE UK d University of East Anglia School of Social Work and Psychology Elizabeth Fry Building Norwich NR TJ UK e School of Psychology University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham B TT UK article info Article history Received September Revised September Available online September Keywords Attachment Social identi ?cation Interpersonal relations abstract We propose a model documenting the relationship between interpersonal attachment style and identi ?cation with groups We hypothesized that following threat to a romantic interpersonal relationship higher attachment anxiety would be associated with lowered tendencies to identify with groups In two studies using varied social groups we observed support for this hypothesis In Experiment we found that participants higher in attachment anxiety identi ?ed less with a salient ingroup after imagining a distressing argument with their romantic partner In Experiment we replicated these ?ndings using an implicit measure of social identi ?cation and additionally observed a moderating role for attachment avoidance We discuss the implications of these ?ndings for theoretical models of interpersonal attachment and social identi ?cation Ó Elsevier Inc All rights reserved We experience many di ?erent types of relationship On the one hand we have relationships with individuals e g a spouse partner sister mother or son On the other we have relationships with broader inclusive and sometimes more abstract collectives e g a sports team college society nationality or ethnic group Research programs focusing on these di ?erent types of relationship have typically progressed quite independently from one another and have correspondingly speci ?ed distinct psychological processes although for some preliminary integrations see Mikulincer Shaver Smith Murphy Coates In this article
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