Quot le morte darthur quot notes de lecture volet 19
Version Notes de lecture Le texte de base est celui de l ? édition de Janet Cowen Penguin Classics vol BOOK I CHAPTER How King Arthur rode to Caerleon and of his dream and how he saw the Questing Beast ? Then after the departing of King Ban and of King Bors King Arthur rode unto Caerleon And thither came to him King Lot ? s wife of Orkney in manner of a message but she was sent thither to espy the court of King Arthur and she came richly beseen with her four sons Gawain Gaheris Agravain and Gareth with many other knights and ladies For she was a passing fair lady therefore the king cast great love unto her and desired to lie by her So they were agreed and he begat upon her Mordred and she was his sister on the mother side Igraine So there she rested her a month and at the last departed Then the king dreamed a marvellous dream whereof he was sore adread But all this time King Arthur knew not that King Lot ? s wife was his sister Thus was the dream of Arthur Him thought there was come into this land gri ?ns and serpents and him thought they burnt and slew all the people in the land and then him thought he fought with them and they did him passing great harm and wounded him full sore but at the last he slew them When the king awaked he was passing heavy of his dream and so to put it out of thoughts he made him ready with many knights to ride on hunting As soon as he was in the forest the king saw a great hart afore him ? This hart will I chase ? said King Arthur and so he spurred the horse and rode after long and so by ?ne force oft he was like to have smitten the hart whereas the king had chased the hart so long that his horse lost his breath and fell down dead then a yeoman fetched the king another horse So the king saw the hart ambushed and his horse dead he set him down by a fountain and there he fell in great thoughts And as he sat so him thought he heard a noise of hounds to the sum of thirty And with that the king saw coming toward him the strangest beast that ever he saw or heard of So the beast went to the well and drank and the noise was in the beast ? s belly like unto the questing of thirty couple hounds but all the while the beast drank there was no noise in the beast ? s belly and there- Cwith the beast departed with a great noise whereof the king had great marvel And so he was in a great thought and therewith he fell asleep Right so there came a knight afoot unto Arthur and said ?
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- Publié le Sep 15, 2022
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- Langue French
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