Csl guide A Guide to Veterinary Clinical Skills Laboratories CA Guide to Veterinary Clinical Skills Laboratories Authors Sarah Baillie Naomi Booth Alison Catterall Nicki Coombes Emma Crowther Marc Dilly Robin Farrell Rikke Langeb? k Máire O ? Reilly and E

A Guide to Veterinary Clinical Skills Laboratories CA Guide to Veterinary Clinical Skills Laboratories Authors Sarah Baillie Naomi Booth Alison Catterall Nicki Coombes Emma Crowther Marc Dilly Robin Farrell Rikke Langeb? k Máire O ? Reilly and Emma Read This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercialNoDerivatives International License http creativecommons org licenses by-nc-nd CAuthors and Contact Details Sarah Baillie BVSc CertCHP MSc IT PhD PFHEA MRCVS Professor of Veterinary Education and Veterinary Programme Director School of Veterinary Sciences University of Bristol Langford Bristol BS DU UK sarah baillie bristol ac uk Naomi Booth BSc BVSc MMedSci Dist Med Ed MRCVS Teaching Associate Veterinary Clinical Skills School of Veterinary Medicine and Science University of Nottingham College Road Sutton Bonington Leicestershire LE RD UK naomi booth nottingham ac uk Alison Catterall Clinical Skills Laboratory Manager School of Veterinary Sciences University of Bristol Langford Bristol BS DU UK a j catterall bristol ac uk Nicki Coombes MSc VetEd PgCert MedEd RVN FHEA Manager of the Clinical Skills Centre Clinical Educator and OSCE Coordinator Royal Veterinary College North Mymms Hertfordshire AL TA UK ncoombes rvc ac uk Emma Crowther BVSc MRCVS Research Assistant in Veterinary Education School of Veterinary Sciences University of Bristol Langford Bristol BS DU UK emma crowther bristol ac uk Marc Dilly DVM PhD Director Clinical Skills Lab University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Bischofsholer Damm Hannover Germany Marc Dilly tiho-hannover de Robin Farrell DVM Assistant Professor of Clinical Skills Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine P O Box St Kitts West Indies rfarrell rossvet edu kn Rikke Langeb? k DVM PhD Assistant Professor Department of Veterinary Clinical and Animal Sciences University of Copenhagen Dyrl? gevej Frederiksberg C Denmark ril sund ku dk Máire O'Reilly RVN DipAVN Surgical Clinical Skills Laboratory Manager Veterinary Clinical Sciences University College Dublin Dublin Ireland maire oreilly ucd ie Emma K Read DVM MVSc DACVS Chair Clinical Skills Program and Senior Instructor Equine Surgery University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Calgary Alberta Canada ekread ucalgary ca CEditing and proof reading by Sarah Baillie Gillian Brown Higher Education Academy UK Emma Crowther and Julie Williams Bristol Dental School UK Acknowledgements The idea to write and publish a guide to veterinary clinical skills laboratories was the brainchild of Marc Dilly and we are all indebted to his foresight in suggesting that we collaborate to share our experiences The authors and editors wish to thank the numerous members of the clinical skills communities who have shared expertise and driven the extraordinary growth of veterinary clinical skills teaching and facilities worldwide in recent years We would also like to thank our clinical academic and technical colleagues as well as the many students who have inspired and often helped with our work We would like to acknowledge and thank Susan Rhind and Sheena Warman for agreeing to allow the inclusion of some text from a section originally authored by Sarah Baillie in the nd Edition of ? A Guide to Assessment in Veterinary Medicine ? in the assessment

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