Designer guide 1 SHAPING YOUR SUCCESS THE DESIGNER ? S GUIDE TO TUNGSTEN CARBIDE EDM Brazing Procedures Corrosion carbide Resistance Shrink Fit Assembly WC Industrial Adhesives a Young's Mbodulus Of Elasticity Transverse Rupture steel Strength THE DESIGNE

SHAPING YOUR SUCCESS THE DESIGNER ? S GUIDE TO TUNGSTEN CARBIDE EDM Brazing Procedures Corrosion carbide Resistance Shrink Fit Assembly WC Industrial Adhesives a Young's Mbodulus Of Elasticity Transverse Rupture steel Strength THE DESIGNER ? S GUIDE TO TUNGSTEN CARBIDE Grade Selection Made Easier Tungsten Carbide Tooling Selection a Click Away If you ? re looking for a better way to determine the tungsten carbide grade that ? s right for your speci ?c applications General Carbide can help Our new Grade Selector Guide is accessible on our web site at www generalcarbide com gradeselector The Guide features a step-by-step process that gives you the proper grade selection based on your answers to questions about application parameters and operating environment By using the Guide you ? ll ? Simplify the grade selection process ? Accelerate turnaround times for your customers ? Maximize wear life of your tungsten carbide wear parts tooling Please visit our website for the latest grade speci ?cation information www generalcarbide com THE DESIGNER ? S GUIDE TO TUNGSTEN CARBIDE Table of Contents Introduction Chapter I ?? Background What is cemented carbide History Manufacturing Chapter II ??Properties Mechanical Hardness Density Transverse Rupture Strength Compressive Strength Impact Strength Fatigue Strength Thermal Coe ?cient of Thermal Expansion Conductivity Electrical Magnetic Electrical Resistance and Conductivity Magnetic Corrosion General Properties Chapter III ?? Design Considerations Stress Stress Analysis Weibull ? s Statistical Strength Theory Safety Factor Determination of Failure Stress Concentrations Relationship among TRS and Tensile Torsional Strength Elevated Temperatures Corrosive Environments www generalcarbide com THE DESIGNER ? S GUIDE TO TUNGSTEN CARBIDE Table of Contents cont ? d Chapter IV ?? Attaching Assembling of Cemented Carbide Parts Overview Brazing Bi-metal Thermal Expansion Di ?erence Relieving Braze Stain Design Recommendations Braze Joints Thickness Shape Performance at Various Temperatures Brazing to Hardened Steel Brazing Procedures for Cemented Carbide Industrial Adhesives Thermal Cycling Recommendations Interference Shrink Fit Assembly General Guidelines Carbide on the Outside Diameter Press Fits Mechanical Fastening Design Rules Methods of Fastening Internal Threads and Epoxy Chapter V ?? Finishing Techniques Finishing Grinding Fundamentals Factors Surface Finishes Cautions Recommendations Electrical Discharge Machining EDM Designing for EDM Cutting Speed EDM Limitations References Grade Speci ?cations Conversion Charts Notes www generalcarbide com THE DESIGNER ? S GUIDE TO TUNGSTEN CARBIDE Introduction This publication is a reference guide for designers engineers fabricators and end users of tungsten carbide material Speci ?cally it is a compilation of recommendations derived from practical experience theoretical stress analysis proven application engineering practices and modern manufacturing techniques It will enable the reader to gain insights to best practices for using one of the most unique engineering materials available today It has been said that the tool materials of one generation become the engineering materials of the next generation This observation is certainly true of tungsten carbide It is a material that has been around since the early s replacing tool steel in most cutting tool applications and developed into an engineering material used to resist the harshest environments of

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