Effectivity date march 01 2019

COURSE GUIDE Course Math Mathematics in the Modern Semester First School Year - World Class Schedule Instructor Rovinson D Gaganao Monday and Wednesday am ?? am BEED - am ?? nn BEED I ?? pm ?? pm BEED I ?? Tuesday and Thursday am ?? am BSED English am ?? am BSED Math Science am ?? am BEED I ?? am ?? am BTLED HE and ICT Course Description This course deals with nature of mathematics appreciation of its practical intellectual and aesthetic dimensions and application of mathematical tools in daily life The course begins with an introduction of the nature of mathematics as an exploration of patterns in nature and the environment and as an application of inductive and deductive reasoning By exploring these topics students are encouraged to go beyond the typical understanding of mathematics as merely a set of formulas but as a source of aesthetic in patterns of nature for example and a rich language in itself and of science governed by logic and reasoning The course then proceeds to survey ways in which mathematics provide a tool for understanding and dealing with various aspects of present-day living such as managing personal ?nances making social choices appreciating geometric designs understanding codes used in data transmissions and security and dividing limited resources fairly These aspects will provide opportunities for actually doing mathematics in a broad range of exercises that bring out the various dimensions of mathematics as a way of knowing and test the students understanding and capacity CMO series of Course Outline SCHEDULE AUGUST TOPIC Week ?? Week Preliminaries Vision Mission Goals and Objectives of the University Levelling of Expectation Course Requirement Chapter Nature of Mathematics Nature and Characteristics of Mathematics Mathematics as a Science of Patterns The Fibonacci Sequence Mathematics for our World ESSU-ACAD- I Version E ?ectivity Date March Page of CSEPTEMBER Week Chapter Nature of Mathematics Mathematics for our World Week ?? Week OCTOBER Chapter Speaking Mathematically The Language of Sets The Language of Relations and Functions Week ?? Week Chapter Problem Solving Inductive and Deductive Reasoning Problem Solving with Patterns Problem Solving Strategies Midterm Exam Week Chapter Data Management Measures of Central Tendency NOVEMBER Week ?? Week Chapter Data Management Measures of Dispersion Measures of Relative Position Normal Distribution Week - Week DECEMBER Chapter Logic Logic Statements and Quanti ?ers Truth Tables Equivalent Statements and Tautologies Week Chapter Logic Conditional and Bi-conditional Conditional and Related Statements Week ?? Week Chapter Apportionment and Voting Introduction to Apportionment Introduction to Voting Weighted Voting System Final Examination Course Requirements Major Exams Problem Sets Course Learning Outcomes Required Output After completing this course the student Problem Sets must be able to Essay ESSU-ACAD- I Version E ?ectivity Date March Page of C Internalize the vision mission goals and objectives of the institution Discuss and argue about the nature of mathematics what it is how it is expressed and used Use di ?erent types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments made about mathematics and mathematical concepts

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