Emission guide 2 CDISCLAIMERS The following institutions were instrumental in the development of the WRF-Chem model and its documentation Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The Cooperative Institute for Research in Envi
CDISCLAIMERS The following institutions were instrumental in the development of the WRF-Chem model and its documentation Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research UCAR The National Center for Atmospheric Research NCAR The Max Plank Institute The University of Chile Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos This document does not constitute endorsement of the information products or services contained herein by the contributing institutions previously named or unnamed For other than authorized activities the contributing institutions do not exercise any editorial control over the information contained herein Any opinions ?ndings conclusions or recommendations expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily re ect those of the contributing institutions In no event shall these institutions or any unmentioned institution associated with WRF-Chem development be liable for any damages whatsoever whether direct indirect consequential or special that arise out of or in connection with the access use or performance of WRF-Chem including infringement actions The Weather Research and Forecasting model WRF hereafter was developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research NCAR that is operated by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research UCAR NCAR and UCAR make no proprietary claims either statutory or otherwise to this version and release of WRF and consider WRF to be in the public domain for use by any person or entity for any purpose without any fee or charge UCAR requests that any WRF user include this notice on any partial or full copies of WRF WRF is provided on an ??AS IS ? basis and any warranties either express or implied including but not limited to implied warranties of non-infringement originality merchantability and ?tness for a particular purpose are disclaimed In no event shall UCAR be liable for any damages whatsoever whether direct indirect consequential or special which arise out of or in connection with the access use or performance of WRF including infringement actions CWRF-Chem Emissions Guide Table of Contents Introduction The WRF-Chem emissions utilties overview Placement of chemical- emission input data ?les Preparation of anthropogenic emissions for use with WRF-Chem Using the global-emissions data set Seting-up prepchemsources Compiling the prepchemsources code Running prepchemsources utility with WRF- Chem The -km resolution NEI data set NEI emissions data for USA only Anthropogenic- emissions construction methodology for WRF-Chem Construction of an anthropogenic-emissions-inventory conversion table Additional details for running emissv F with the NEI- anthropogenicemissions data set The anthro-emiss utiltiy Preparation of biogenic emissions for use with WRF- Chem No biogenic emissions Guenther biogenic emissions BEIS biogenic emissions MEGAN biogenic emissions Compiling MEGAN preprocessor Preprocessing MEGAN data ?les Running WRF-Chem with MEGAN Preparation of biomass burning emissions Using prepchemsources for biomass burning emissions Using FINN biomass burning emissions Preparation of volcanic emissions for use with WRF-Chem Volcanic ash emissions Volcanic SO degassing emissions Preparation of tracer emissions for use with WRF-Chem The CO tracer option The Greenhouse Gas tracer option Boundary conditions with WRF-Chem The wrfchembc
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- Publié le Oct 21, 2021
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- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 174kB