Music therapy musicotherapie canadian journal of revue canadienne de

Canadian Journal of Music Therapy Revue canadienne de musicothérapie Volume CWhen the Client is a Music Therapist Experiencing Five Approaches to Music Psychotherapy Quand la cliente est une musicothérapeute Expérimenter cinq approches en psychothérapie par la musique Guylaine Vaillancourt PhD MTA FAMI Concordia University Montréal QC CANADA Abstract This article highlights the value of music therapists undergoing therapy ??in particular music therapy ??in order to have better self-knowledge and to better understand the experiences of their clients The author explored ?ve music psychotherapy approaches the Bonny method of guided imagery and music Bonny mythopoeic music therapy Gonzalez music therapy group Hesser bio-energy and music therapy Scheiby and vocal work Austin The author wishes to encourage music therapists to undergo music therapy in order to maximize the therapeutic process they can o ?er to clients in their music therapy practices Keywords music therapy music psychotherapy personal therapy group therapy guided imagery and music mythopoetic music therapy bioenergy voice work music therapy group Résumé Cet article met l ? accent sur l ? importance pour le musicothérapeute de cheminer en thérapie personnelle tout particulièrement en musicothérapie a ?n d ? acquérir une meilleure connaissance de lui-même et de mieux saisir ce que le client expérimente de son côté Cinq approches en psychothérapie musicale ont été expérimentées par l ? auteure soit la Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music Bonny la mythopoeic music therapy Gonzalez le groupe de musicothérapie Hesser le travail de bio-énergie et musicothérapie Scheiby et le travail vocal Austin L ? auteure souhaite encourager les musicothérapeutes à suivre une thérapie personnelle en vue de maximiser le processus thérapeutique en musicothérapie auprès de leurs clients Mots clés Musicothérapie psychothérapie musicale thérapie personnelle individuelle groupe de musicothérapie musique et imagerie guidée mythopoeic music therapy bioénergie travail vocal groupe de musicothérapie CMusic therapy is a relatively young profession especially in the realm of psychotherapy private practice Thus there are a limited number of music therapists able to o ?er personal music therapy to music therapists who wish to experience this work as client Some universities are facilitating personal therapy either by o ?ering free counselling sessions or by integrating some educational personal work into the curriculum During my master ? s degree in music therapy at New York University I had the opportunity to experiment with various approaches to therapy especially music psychotherapy in and outside the program As a graduate student these experiences allowed me to better know myself and to better understand the therapeutic processes that clients go through I consider it essential for music therapists to have experienced music therapy approaches for themselves when working with clients especially in psychotherapy Ethically it is desirable to do personal work to better identify transference and countertransference reactions that could interfere in the development and maintenance of the therapeutic alliance In addition these reactions are often subtle in music therapy as music expresses material that is not always conscious Bruscia To explore this issue of personal therapy further I conducted a survey

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