Premium frequently asked questions for lecturers
Premium Frequently Asked Questions For Lecturers CTable of Contents Table of Contents Class List How do I print export my class list Am I assign to my units How can I print my ERR Template from class list Assessment ?? Class What is class and how do I create class How do I assign myself or Instructor to a class How do I see student in my class How do I remove student from my class How do I delete a class Assessment ?? Coursework How do I enter my Assessments How to edit assessments Single- Sheet CFrequently Asked Questions For Premium Class List To print Classlist please open the classlist module either on your desktop or in your premium folder in C drive How do I print export my class list i Click on the button Class List by the Unit ii Fill in the required details e g Period Unit School Venue and Classi ?cation Code iii Click View button crystal report will appear with the students ? name that has enrolled to the unit CCrystal Report Print Button Export Button Click the Print button to Print and Export button to export the crystal report to work or excel C Am I assign to my units ? To get units assigned you need to go to the secretary How do I get my units assigned to me ? The lecturers have to give in the details i e Min Course Work Min Exam Mark C Work Weight Final Exam Weight and Attendance C How can I print my ERR Template from class list i i Click on the button ERR Template ii Fill in the required details e g Period Unit School Venue and Classi ?cation Code iii Click View button crystal report will appear with the students ? name that has enrolled to the unit iv Click the Print button to Print and Export button to export the crystal report to work or excel CAssessment ?? Class To create class please open the Assessment module either on your desktop or in your premium folder in C drive What is class and how do I create class ? Class is where the you as a principal lecturer assign him or assign other lecturers for entering the coursework for students ie where students are divided into groups ? Fill in the required details i e Period Class and Number of Groups and then click on create button on the top left corner ? A message box will pop up as shown in the print screen below ? Click Yes CWhen you click Yes another message box will POP UP as seen in the print screen below Click OK ii i Group will be created with no class Instructor C How do I assign myself or Instructor to a class i Click on the assign button ie see page for assign button ii Type in the Employment Id for the Instructor or Pricipal Lecturer iii Click on search button to
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- Publié le Fev 14, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 35.8kB