Friendship guide hmds Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands Courtship Marriage Guide Proudly hosted by IGN Walkthroughs Directlink it Share Get Email Alerts Boards Guide Walkthroughs FAQs Cheats Add to Wishlist Add to Collection Playing Now Sunshine Islands Court

Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands Courtship Marriage Guide Proudly hosted by IGN Walkthroughs Directlink it Share Get Email Alerts Boards Guide Walkthroughs FAQs Cheats Add to Wishlist Add to Collection Playing Now Sunshine Islands Courtship and Marriage Guide By Freyashawk Email castleenchanted aol For details on how to search for speci ?c information in any of my Guides using the most popular web browsers please visit http harvestmoonforever blogspot com internet-shortcuts-to- ?ndinformation html Created on November Last updated on June Table of Contents Introduction Embarking upon a Courtship The Value of Dialogue The Value of Gifts Friendship Point Values Friendship and Festivals Single Path of Heart Events Additional Marriage Requirement Sun Stone Requirement in Courtship Heart Events Rival Heart Events Heart Level Indications Easy Gifts List Romantic Festivals Harvest Goddess Festival Spring Harmony Day Fireworks Festival Your Birthday Winter Harmony Day Starry Night Festival Family Life Romantic Occasions with Spouse Your Birthday after Marriage Your Child in Sunshine Islands The Last Sun Stone All Eligible Bachelors and Girls Eligible Bachelors Elliot Vaughn Denny Pierre CWill Mark Shea Eligible Girls Natalie Julia Sabrina Lanna Lily W Princess Alisa Chelsea Introduction This is one of my mini-guides that can be used as a quick reference guide for a speci ?c aspect of any Harvest Moon or Rune Factory game Sunshine Islands has many of the same characters as Island of Happiness and those who do appear in both games tend to have the same birthdays Most Favourites and other likes and dislikes in both Nonetheless there are di ?erences and a separate Character Guide as well as Courtship and Marriage Guide thus is mandated for each This Courtship and Marriage Guide contains speci ?c sections for every Eligible Bachelor and Girl in Sunshine Islands Information includes Birthdays Most Favourite Gifts other Likes and Dislikes the schedule of Heart Events and Rival Heart Events and the actual Text of these Events For sections that deal with all characters including those who are not eligible for marriage please l refer to my Sunshine Islands Characters Guide at HMSI Characters Guide http faqs ign com articles p html Furthermore you will ?nd the text of all the Friendship Events for Eligible Girls and Bachelors in the Characters Guide For all other aspects of gameplay please refer to my General Guide and Walkthrough at HMSI General Guide http faqs ign com articles p html Note that the Characters Guide will not include Heart or Rival Heart Events for Eligible Girls Bachelors but DOES include the Friendship Events for ALL Characters that occur at Hearts This Courtship and Marriage Guide thus is devoted strictly to those two aspects of the lives of the Eligible Girls Bachelors Sunshine Islands like Island of Happiness really is two separate games on a Csingle cartridge There is a 'boy's game' and a 'girl's game' depending on whether you choose to play a male or female character The actual characters are the same in both versions but their roles obviously are very di

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