Listen preparetion OXFORD IB PREPARED FRENCH B IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME Véronique Tormey Christine Trumper John Israel COXFORD IB PREPARED FRENCH B IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME Véronique Tormey Christine Trumper John Israel Series Editor Christine Trumper CGreat Clar

OXFORD IB PREPARED FRENCH B IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME Véronique Tormey Christine Trumper John Israel COXFORD IB PREPARED FRENCH B IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME Véronique Tormey Christine Trumper John Israel Series Editor Christine Trumper CGreat Clarendon Street Oxford OX DP United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University ? s objective of excellence in research scholarship and education by publishing worldwide Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries ? Oxford University Press Index ? Michelle Brumby The moral rights of the authors have been asserted First published in All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press or as expressly permitted by law by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department Oxford University Press at the address above You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available - - - - Paper used in the production of this book is a natural recyclable product made from wood grown in sustainable forests The manufacturing process conforms to the environmental regulations of the country of origin Printed in CPI United Kingdom Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the students and teachers from the IB schools involved in the creation of student samples for use in this publication particularly those from International School Toulouse France Presbyterian Ladies' College Melbourne Australia Ravenswood School for Girls Sydney Australia St Andrew's Cathedral School Sydney Australia The publisher and authors would like to thank the following for permission to use photographs and other copyright material Cover pierre rochon Alamy Stock Photo Photos piv EQRoy Shutterstock p ARTEMENKO VALENTYN Shutterstock p Hare Krishna Shutterstock p t sdecoret Shutterstock p m fongbeerredhot Shutterstock p b sarayut sy Shutterstock p ta Kingcraft Shutterstock p tb Torychemistry Shutterstock p ba Imaginechina Limited Alamy Stock Photo p bb Hello Lovely Corbis p bc RubberBall Alamy Stock Photo p banner EQRoy Shutterstock p t Syda Productions Shutterstock p b smolaw Shutterstock p Vitalino Shutterstock p Phipatbig Shutterstock p Phipatbig Shutterstock p EQRoy Shutterstock p l Eternity in an Instant Getty Images p r metamorworks Shutterstock p tl Piotr Marcinski Shutterstock p tr FR iStock Getty Images p b Prostockstudio Sutterstock p Lim Yong Hian Shutterstock p Susan sheldon Alamy Stock Photo p ?zkes Shutterstock p EA Shutterstock p ROBYN BECK Contributor AFP Getty Images p Xinhua Alamy Stock Photo p Beata Becla Shutterstock p EQRoy Shutterstock p Mita Stock Images Shutterstock p Africa Studio Shutterstock p mauritius images GmbH Alamy Stock Photo p Association Princesse Margot p EQRoy Shutterstock p Elena Dijour Shutterstock p a Axel Bueckert Shutterstock p

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