Guide 176 PCPS PS SWITCHXBOX ONEXBOX SERIESMORE SYSTEMS Log In Sign Up GameFAQs Q ABOARDSCOMMUNITYCONTRIBUTEGAMESWHAT ? S NEW CSecret of Mana ?? Short Walkthrough Super Nintendo Home Guides Q A Cheats Saves Reviews Media Board Short Walkthrough by NTsui V
PCPS PS SWITCHXBOX ONEXBOX SERIESMORE SYSTEMS Log In Sign Up GameFAQs Q ABOARDSCOMMUNITYCONTRIBUTEGAMESWHAT ? S NEW CSecret of Mana ?? Short Walkthrough Super Nintendo Home Guides Q A Cheats Saves Reviews Media Board Short Walkthrough by NTsui Version Updated STEPS to ? ? ecret f ana Version An UNcomprehensive Guide c - Nathan Tsui ? ? TABLE of CONTENTS Introduction Copyright Information Walkthrough Credits Version History C----------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------------------------------------------ Hi I'm Nathan Tsui also known as Segaholic I have been playing video games since the old Mario Brothers and Sonic the Hedgehog up to the latest Sonic Adventure Zelda Crash Bandicoot etc So why did I choose to write a FAQ on a game for the outdated Super Nintendo Because Secret of Mana ROCKS that's why If you have any comments questions or suggestions please feel free to send them to Nathan Tsui at segaholic yahoo com Also e-mail me if you ?nd any errors and I will ?x them up for the next version plus you will get your name in the Credits Section This is Steps to Secret of Mana I thought that a hardcore gamer like you wouldn't want a total spoiler for a walkthrough so this guide will only tell you where to go and what to do next I will not go into detail on the storyline weapon orbs armor enemies etc If you want a FAQ that reveals all that there are some of those out there But hey after all discovering is the most exciting part of a game and I don't want to take that away from you I advise you not to read this thing through for all your needs but to just play the game normally and then come here if you are completely stuck on where to go and what to do next since that has happened to me before Oh the steps are each paragraph I wrote plus each boss and midboss Good luck ----------------------------------------------- Copyright Information ------------------------------------------------ This FAQ is Copyright c - Nathan Tsui segaholic yahoo com You may distribute this FAQ as long as it is unaltered and NOT SOLD FOR MONEY Nathan Tsui alone has the right to make changes to or update this FAQ Any unauthorized changes are not approved of by Nathan Tsui and are prohibited by law Secret of Mana and all other related characters titles etc are copyright c SquareSoft ----------------------------------------------- Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------ Remember I will not mention where all the orbs are although I know where they are Find them yourself I also will not give tips on beating any bosses you watch the pattern and do it yourself This is not a cookbook to just follow the directions it is a guide to help you through parts of the game you may have trouble with C---------- Start your game and name your guy Watch the opener and proceed to the rusty Sword stuck in the stone Hmm sounds familiar After you pull the Sword out watch another movie
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- Publié le Jan 20, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 68.3kB