Sqr guide SQR User ? s Guide Version Marsh Road Menlo Park California CSQR User ? s Guide Version Part Number -M- -R Copyright ? SQRIB E T ec hnologies All rights reserved Printed in the USA This publication pertains to SQR and to any subsequent release u

SQR User ? s Guide Version Marsh Road Menlo Park California CSQR User ? s Guide Version Part Number -M- -R Copyright ? SQRIB E T ec hnologies All rights reserved Printed in the USA This publication pertains to SQR and to any subsequent release until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical notes Information in this document is subject to change without notice The software described herein is furnished under a license agreement and it may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement LIMITED WARRANTY THE SQR PROGRAM AND LANGUAGE TUTORIAL ARE SOLD AS IS WITHOUT WARRANT AS TO THEIR PERFORMANCE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THIS PROGRAM IS ASSUMED BY YOU HOWEVER TO THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER ONLY THE PUBLISHER WARRANTS THE MAGNETIC MEDIUM ON WHICH THE PROGRAM IS RECORDED TO BE FREE FROM DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND FAULTY WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE IF DURING THE NINETY-DAY PERIOD THE MEDIUM SHOULD BECOME DEFECTIVE IT MAY BE RETURNED TO THE PUBLISHER FOR A REPLACEMENT WITHOUT CHARGE PROVIDED YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY EXECUTED A SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT SQRIBE SQR SQR Execute SQR Print SQR Viewer VisualSQRIBE InSQRIBE PowerSQRIBE WebSQRIBE ReportMart RM API RM InSQRIBE RM Publisher RM Script and Instant HTML are trademarks or registered trademarks of SQRIB E T ec hnologies All other company and product names used herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies CContents Introduction ix Audience x How to Use the SQR User ? s Guide x Related Documents xi Syntax Conventions xii Setting up the Sample Database xii If You Need Help xiii Part ??SQR Basics A Simple SQR Program Creating and Running an SQR Program SQR Output Headings and Footings Selecting Data from the Database The SQR SELECT Statement Syntax of the SELECT Statement Positioning Data Column Variables Break Logic Using ON- BREAK Skipping Lines Between Groups Arranging Multiple Break Columns Break Processing with Enhancements Handling Page Breaks Printing the Date Obtaining Totals Hyphens and Underscores Setting Break Procedures with BEFORE and AFTER Understanding the Order of Events Controlling Page Breaks with Multiple ON-BREAK Columns Saving a Value When a Break Occurs Using ON-BREAK on a Hidden Column Restrictions and Limitations of ON-BREAK The SETUP Section Using DECLARE-LAYOUT Part ??SQR Reports Master Detail Reports SQR User ? s Guide iii CContents SQR Correlating Subqueries Cross- Tabular Reports Arrays Creating the Array Grouping by Category Using Multiple Arrays Printing Mailing Labels De ?ning Columns and Rows Running the Program Creating Form Letters Laying Out the Letter Exporting Data to Other Applications Part ??Fonts and Graphics Using Graphics Adding Graphics Sharing Images among Reports Printing Bar Codes Business Charts Creating a Chart De ?ning the Chart Printing the Chart Running the Program Passing Data to the Chart Changing Fonts Positioning Text Using WRAP Writing Printer-Independent Reports Guidelines for Printer- Independent Reports Part ?? Advanced

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