Jiabs 21 2 1 Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Volume Number PIERRE ARENES Hermeneutique des tantra etude de quelques usages du sens cache ? GEORGES DREYFUS The Shuk-den Mfair History and Nature of a Quarrel ROBERT MAYER The Fig
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Volume Number PIERRE ARENES Hermeneutique des tantra etude de quelques usages du sens cache ? GEORGES DREYFUS The Shuk-den Mfair History and Nature of a Quarrel ROBERT MAYER The Figure of Mahesvara Rudra in the rNiiJ -ma-paTantric Tradition JOHNNEWMAN Islam in the Kruacakra Tantra MAXNIHOM Vajravinaya and VajraSauJ A 'Ghost' Goddess and her Syncretic Spouse ' l MANN VETTER Explanations of dukkha Index to JIABS - by Torn TOMABECHI English summary of the article by P Arenes CThe Journal ofthe International Association ofBuddhist Studies ISSN - XX is the organ of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Inc It welcomes scholarly contributions pertaining to all facets of Buddhist Studies nABS is published twice yearly in the summer and winter Address manuscripts two copies and books for review to The Editors JIABS Section de langues et civilisations orientales Universite de Lausanne BFSH CH-IOI Lausanne Switzerland Address subscription orders and dues changes of address and business correspondence including advertising orders to Professor Joe B Wilson Treasurer lABS Department of Philosophy and Religion University ofNorth Carolina at Wilmington Wilmington NC USA email wilsonj lillcwil edu Fax - - Subscriptions to JIABS are per year for individuals and per year for libraries and other institutions For information on membership in lABS see back cover ? Copyright by the International Association of Buddhist Studies Inc EDITORIAL BOARD Cristina A Scherrer-Schaub Tom J F Tillemans Editors- in-Chief Robert Buswell Steven Collins Collett Cox Luis O Gomez Paul Harrison Oskar von Hiniiber Roger Jackson Padmanabh S Jaini Shoryu Katsura Donald S Lopez Jr Alexander Macdonald D Seyfort Ruegg Robert Sharf Ernst Steinkellner Erik Zurcher Editorial Assistant Yves Ramseier CJIABS Contributors to this issue Pierre ARENES Doctorate in Indian Studies from the University of Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle researcher at the Centre National de Ia Recherche Scienti ?que CNRS equipe Author of La deesse sGrol-ma Tiirii Louvain Georges DREYFUS is Associate Professor in the Department of Religion at Williams College He is the author of Recognizing Reality Dharmaklrti's Philosophy and its Tibetan Interpretations and of several articles on a variety of topics pertaining to Buddhist and Tibetan studies He is currently engaged in writing a book on Tibetan monastic education Robert MAYER together with his wife Cathy Cantwell has been at the Universities of Kent since and Wales since His research interests include the processes by which new religious forms are generated and the processes of Buddhist scriptural revelation He is also engaged in the study of the rNili ma'i rgyud 'bum and is co-director with D Germano of the Nyingma Tantras Research Project He is the author of A Scripture of the Ancient Tantra Collection The Phur-pa bcu-gnyis a study of canonicity and scriptural revelation John NEWMAN completed the Ph D in Buddhist Studies at the University of Wisconsin - Madison He is currently the John T and Catherine D MacArthur Associate Professor of Asian Religions at New College the honors college of the Florida state university system His
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