Human player guide Menu List Human ? A list of your humans ? Play the screen to see your human's activity ? Status o ID o Gender o Birthdate o Personality Type o First Characteristic o Second Characteristic o Third Characteristic o Stats this shows your h
Menu List Human ? A list of your humans ? Play the screen to see your human's activity ? Status o ID o Gender o Birthdate o Personality Type o First Characteristic o Second Characteristic o Third Characteristic o Stats this shows your human's current stats for the day This is called your human's Biorhythm In order they are Body Heart and Intellect The values in these can be - to ? Body ? Heart ? Intellect o Advice of the Day shows the daily advice for your human You can get a hint on what your human will need to do for the day to improve their stats ? Life o Work ? ? ? ? o School ? ?? ?? ? o Free Time Home ? ?? Game ? Dokkiri ?? ?? ? ?? ? Which way ?? ?? ?? Friend ? ID ? Connect ? ? ? ? to connect with another Human Player via the IR port When your Human Players connect you can select which human you want to interact You will see an animation of how the humans react to each other Then if you select the O button it will allow you to register the other human in your Human Player ? New Human ? ? ?? ? allow you to create another human in your Human Player This is the same process as creating your ?rst human Take the questions quiz give them a gender birthdate and name and you have yourself another human ? Log ? ?? shows you all the personalities that you have collected on your Human Player ? Remove Human ? ?? ? Option ? Sound ?? ?? ? Screen Shut O ? Time ?? ?? ? ? Date Time set ?? ? ? ? Recon ?gure Personality ?? ? ? ? allows you to change the personality of one of your registered humans It will let you take the question quiz again It will not allow you to change their name gender or birthdate ? Clear ?? to reset your Human Player Guide created by Rachel Liew for www fuzzy-n-chic com CQuestionnaire List ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? It is important to be punctual ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? I ? d rather be strict towards people ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I often think others are stupid ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? I will do my best to achieve my high ideals ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? I will de ?nitely abide by the rules of the society ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? I strongly demand a sense of responsibility in everyone ? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? I would clarify with anything small that matters ?? ? ? ? ?