Workshop leaders guide Good News ? made simple Workshop Leader ? s Guide CWORKSHOP LEADER ? S GUIDE ?? hour format This Workshop Leader ? s Guide will provide suggestions for conducting a successful workshop It ? s especially designed for those facilitati
Good News ? made simple Workshop Leader ? s Guide CWORKSHOP LEADER ? S GUIDE ?? hour format This Workshop Leader ? s Guide will provide suggestions for conducting a successful workshop It ? s especially designed for those facilitating their ?rst workshop A workshop is aimed at equipping in basic areas I Why we should seek to share our faith II How to start a spiritual conversation III How to share a simple clear explanation of the Gospel Participants will be more inspired better equipped and progressively intentional in sharing their faith Flexible The workshop can be done in one or several sessions It will take between - hours total depending on discussions time allowed for role plays demonstrations and the use of any ??optional ? material Allowing between ?? minutes for each of the areas works well Preparation Copy for each participant o Training Handbook o Worksheet found in the back of this Leader ? s Guide o Witnessing Guide handed out at the end o Gospel Booklet optional o Prayer Bookmark optional Note Items above plus PowerPoint are free to download at www christianwitnessingtools com Simply reference a Training Handbook along with this Workshop Leader ? s Guide to lead and facilitate an exceptional workshop Facilitating a JOHN Good News ? made simple Workshop Welcome Goal You will be more inspired better equipped and increasingly intentional in sharing your faith General Overview I Biblical basis for why we should share our faith II Becoming more e ?ective in starting a spiritual conversation and III How to explain the Gospel in a clear and simple way using John the most familiar verse in the Bible Prayer CW pp - HY SHARE OUR FAITH - min The key to this section is to motivate and inspire participants to join God in expanding His kingdom When we clearly understand God ? s WHY He will compel us to ?nd a way to do it p The Call ?? review the verses provided in Training Handbook Point out God ? s promises provision and presence The Curse - review the verses provided in Handbook John - shows the consequences of rejecting Christ Luke - ?? shows the realities of eternal separation from God hell Common Fears ?? talk or discuss the fears we face Remind them it ? s the devil ? s key tool to silence us God ? s Good News ?? review the material provided Revelation ?? shows God ? s desire of having a personal relationship ?? - ?? shows realities of eternity with God in Heaven forever p God ? s Provision Acts ?? the Holy Spirit empowers convinces convicts and saves Our Privilege Corinthians - ?? shows the incredible honor of serving as ? ambassadors ? for Christ A Key Question Do you know for sure you will go to heaven someday Typical answers are Yes No Hope So Maybe KEY TRUTH - God wants you to know for sure you HAVE eternal life John
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- Publié le Jan 23, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 54.4kB