Install guide 17 HYSYS Installation Guide CCopyright Notice ? Hyprotech a subsidiary of Aspen Technology Inc All rights reserved Hyprotech is the owner of and have vested in them the copyright and all other intellectual property rights of a similar nature

HYSYS Installation Guide CCopyright Notice ? Hyprotech a subsidiary of Aspen Technology Inc All rights reserved Hyprotech is the owner of and have vested in them the copyright and all other intellectual property rights of a similar nature relating to their software which includes but is not limited to their computer programs user manuals and all associated documentation whether in printed or electronic form the ??Software ? which is supplied by us or our subsidiaries to our respective customers No copying or reproduction of the Software shall be permitted without prior written consent of Aspen Technology Inc Ten Canal Park Cambridge MA U S A save to the extent permitted by law Hyprotech reserves the right to make changes to this document or its associated computer program without obligation to notify any person or organization Companies names and data used in examples herein are ?ctitious unless otherwise stated Hyprotech does not make any representations regarding the use or the results of use of the Software in terms of correctness or otherwise The entire risk as to the results and performance of the Software is assumed by the user HYSYS HYSIM HTFS DISTIL and HX-NET are registered trademarks of Hyprotech PIPESYS is a trademark of Neotechnology Consultants AMSIM is a trademark of DBR Associates OLI Engine is a trademark of OLI Systems Inc Multi ash is a trademark of Infochem Computer Services Ltd London England PIPESIM and PIPESIM are components of the PIPESIM Suite from Baker Jardine and Associates London England All references to PIPESIM in this document refer to PIPESIM Microsoft Windows Windows XP Visual Basic and Excel are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation GSH -B -OCT -O CTable of Contents Welcome to HYSYS v Introduction vi The Aspen Engineering Suite AES vi HYSYS vii Intuitive Interactive Process Modeling x Integration with AES xi Use of the Manuals xiv Technical Support xxv Online Technical Support Center xxvi Contacting Technical Support xxvii Training Contact xxxi Training Contact Information xxxii Installing HYSYS - Basic Requirements - Licensing Information - Upgrading from Older Versions of HYSYS - Installing HYSYS - Getting Started - Starting HYSYS - Steady State Case - Dynamics Case - iii Civ Cv Welcome to HYSYS Introduction vi The Aspen Engineering Suite AES vi HYSYS vii Intuitive Interactive Process Modeling x Open Extensible HYSYS Architecture x Integration with AES xi Use of the Manuals xiv HYSYS Electronic Documentation xiv Conventions Used in the Manuals xviii v Cvi Figure Introduction We are pleased to present you with the latest version of HYSYS - the product that is continually extending the boundaries of process engineering software HYSYS is part of the Aspen Engineering Suite AES a set of software tools designed to help manage process knowledge throughout the asset lifecycle HYSYS is a major part of the Simulation and Optimization family of products that forms the foundation of AES The Aspen Engineering Suite AES There is huge opportunity in successfully managing the process industry challenges through optimal Process Asset Lifecycle Management

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  • Publié le Jan 22, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 136.1kB