Romancing guide ROMANCING GUIDE BG Shadows of Amn Version By Extremist with HUGE help from Slappy No no this doc would suck if there wasn ? t Slappy ? s slaps on my wrists ?? so he is coauthor OK OK thanks Extremist Slappy ? s comment No mail for any ques

ROMANCING GUIDE BG Shadows of Amn Version By Extremist with HUGE help from Slappy No no this doc would suck if there wasn ? t Slappy ? s slaps on my wrists ?? so he is coauthor OK OK thanks Extremist Slappy ? s comment No mail for any questions go to http www sorcerers net and post on SoA forum However if you don ? t want to post but prefer to mail me you ? ll still have to go on that forum and dig up my mail address from any thread I posted within p CONTENTS Introduction Romances in general Romancing NPCs ?? pro ?les Romancing NPCs ?? major variables Aerie Anomen Jaheira Viconia Phaere Bodhi Areas Illegal Issues Cheats FAQ Credits INTRODUCTION The whole thing about romances ?nally got on my nerves Always questions endless questions I bet that most questions in SoA forum are about romances ?? not Kangaxx or Firkraag or anything else Whatever I always succeeded with romancing I never got stuck with a romance glitch or anything else So I mainly thought that people with questions about romances are imagining things or just joking But when you see frequent questions about the same thing ?? the old one comes in mind ??if something is named by people there is a root of it ? No I ? m not talking about UFO I ? m talking about romance problems Ok some things in romances are not so clear But in the real life romances are complicated so why do you expect that in the game it will be di ?erent That is the question I asked myself And downloaded existing ??romancing guide ? from Sorcerer ? s Place http www sorcerers net Some folks say that the worst thing is to criticize everything But when I started to read that other guide I got pissed so much that I decided to write a new guide So if this text helps you in any way don ? t thank me thank the author of that other ??guide ? If there weren't him I would never write this I ? ll probably get his lawyer on my neck for these words but then again I ? ll sue him for deceiving the world Whatever And why do I mention this ??guide ? Because the answer on romancing questions in forums was mostly - Go get that romancing guide And then folks said - But I can ? t ?nd an answer there CRomances in general ROMANCES IN GENERAL important Romances are not something you must do to ?nish the game They are there only to relieve possible boredom or to spice up the game a bit I guess romances are there also to make the game more realistic I mean our heroes are of esh and blood don ? t tell me they are not interested in love Anyway if you think romancing is a lame idea then stop reading this text This is

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