Lexis 5 1 Lexis Lexicology Stylistics Lexicologie stylistique ? Lexis E-Journal in English Lexicology Director Denis Jamet http screcherche univ-lyon fr lexis Lexicology Stylistics Lexicologie stylistique Editors in charge of this issue Manuel Jobert Univ
Lexis Lexicology Stylistics Lexicologie stylistique ? Lexis E-Journal in English Lexicology Director Denis Jamet http screcherche univ-lyon fr lexis Lexicology Stylistics Lexicologie stylistique Editors in charge of this issue Manuel Jobert Université de Lyon Jean Moulin ?? Lyon France Nathalie Vincent-Arnaud Université Toulouse ?? Le Mirail France September ? Lexis C Lexis Lexicology Stylistics Lexicologie stylistique ? Contents Table des matières Manuel Jobert Université Jean Moulin ?? Lyon athalie Vincent-Arnaud Université Toulouse ?? Le Mirail France Introduction Papers Articles Philippe Rapatel Université Blaise Pascal ?? Clermont France Petit voyage en tram ou quand le lexique et le style se véhiculent Elise Mignot Université Sorbonne ?? Paris France Exploitation stylistique du processus de composition nominale en anglais contemporain Geneviève Lheureux Université Jean Moulin ?? Lyon France Polysémie du verbe aimer ? dans Le roi Lear de W Shakespeare Cynthia L Hallen Brigham Young University USA Tracy B Spackman Brigham Young University USA Biblical Citations as a Stylistic Standard in Johnson ? s and Webster ? s Dictionaries Kate James Université d ? Auvergne IUT France A Corpus-Based Case Study in Prepositional AT TO - In ?nitive Alternation using the Lemma ??AIM ? Catherine Paulin Université de Franche Comté ?? Besançon France Entre sémantique lexicale et sémantique textuelle une analyse lexicale et stylistique de Before I Say Goodbye de Ruth Picardie Beatrix Busse University of Bern Switzerland Dan McIntyre University of Hudders ?eld England ina ? rgaard University of Southern Denmark Denmark Michael Toolan University of Birmingham England John McGahern ? s Stylistic and Narratological Art ? Lexis CLexis Lexicology Stylistics Lexicologie stylistique ? Introduction The relationship between lexicology and stylistics has always been quite understandably somewhat ambivalent While lexicologists are mainly concerned with meaning and wordformation stylisticians endeavour to reach beyond linguistic analysis to the various connotations and shades of meaning produced Lexicologists are sometimes prone however to tackle stylistic issues just as stylisticians are not always averse to coming to grips with lexical matters Despite their apparently di ?erent modes of investigation and aims these two domains do meet on common ground The various lexical prospects opened up by interpretative semantics range from the study of ??mots themes ? to the exploration of lexical networks and isotopies in a given corpus From a lexicological viewpoint etymological as well as derivational and compositional parameters can indeed provide ready-to-use material for stylistic analysis The di ?erent modes of syntactic arrangement of lexical units are also major interpretative criteria In addition to these semantic and morphological considerations a number of lexis-dependent acoustic phenomena are more often than not highly relevant All these issues as well as others are discussed in the following papers The chief aim of this issue of Lexis has been to trigger dialogue between stylisticians and lexicologists by enabling them to confront their approaches in order to lay de ?nite emphasis on words This dialogue has taken place and has been extremely fruitful as this collection of papers will make abundantly clear This collection opens quite aptly with Philippe Rapatel
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- Publié le Jui 10, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 633.7kB