Modular building pack Modular building pack This modular building pack is intended for use by the Red Orchestra Level design community I hope that this will see some use in projects or will be useful in the rapid creation of prototypes or place holders Th

Modular building pack This modular building pack is intended for use by the Red Orchestra Level design community I hope that this will see some use in projects or will be useful in the rapid creation of prototypes or place holders This has also been an exercise for myself which has helped me learn some important lessons Included is an example map showing how some of the meshes can be used Feel free to use this package in your RO maps or projects CThe package contains meshes split into these groups -Details Contains building details such as trims pillars and window frames It also contains damaged versions of the details -walls Contains all the wall meshes in their intact form -walls damaged Contains damaged versions of all the wall meshes plus damage trims Some damaged pieces have a second variation Wall sizes -There are several lengths of wall available and units in length -Each wall is units thick -For walls intended for upper oor use the walls are units high -For walls intended for ground oor use the walls are units high This is so the mesh can intersect the terrain properly -Obviously walls can be scaled but with texture stretching if none uniformly Damage Trim Sizes -Damage trims are for use around the edges of damaged walls -There are damage trim set variations But are the same size to allow mix and match -There are sections for side trims Bottom Middle top Corner -There are trims for the tops of the walls -The bottom and top sections can be joined together with or without a middle section being added -The side trims are the same height as walls -Short versions of the side 'top' trim are for use with 'corner trims' to account for unit height of corner trim -Short Versions of the top trims are for use with the 'corner trims' again to account for unit length of corner trim - corner trim variants one for use with 'top' side trim' and one for 'bottom' side trim -All damage trims have a 'Mirror' Version so textures are on correct side more info later Detail Sizes -details such as pillars and trims are units high -Some details have bottom middle and top parts see demo map for example of use CMesh Names The meshes are named according to the type size and state of the mesh For example 'wall doorground oor' This means the mesh is a wall intact that is units long has a door opening and is for use on the ground oor 'wall plainupper oor' This means the mesh is a wall intact that is units long but has no window or door openings 'wall windowsdamageupper oor' This means the wall is units long has window openings is damaged and is for use on upper oors Damage Trim names For example 'Damagetrimtop ' This means the trim is for use on the top of the walls 'Damagetrimside ' This means the trim is for use on

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