Morrowind modding guide Morrowind Cynderal Edition This is my personal set of tweaks for Guideanon's guide The o ?cial guide hasn't been updated in around months as of writing this so I ?gured that while I work on completing my own guide I would make some

Morrowind Cynderal Edition This is my personal set of tweaks for Guideanon's guide The o ?cial guide hasn't been updated in around months as of writing this so I ?gured that while I work on completing my own guide I would make some adjustments and additions to this one Any of my changes are marked with a tilde symbol Pretty much all of the work here is Guideanon's my tweaks just ?x some errors that new players looking to mod the game might not notice This is still a work in progress so not everything I plan to tweak or add has been done yet The original guide can be found here Much love to you Guideanon if you're out there http pastebin com gF VLaf The Guide for a Guide has also been largely incorporated into this I love you too whoever made it http pastebin com diKftC Before we begin You should always read the mod page or glance through the readme of any mod we're downloading so you'll at least be aware of what you're getting and what your options are Also you should extract the mods into a separate folder and not directly into your Morrowind install because sometimes I'll ask you to delete textures or meshes as we already have something better I'll be striving to arrange mod install order so that you don't have to do that very often A few terms to keep in mind Install This means dragging dropping or copy and pasting the mod ?les into their proper folders in your Morrowind install directory Almost all mods we download will be in the proper install setup textures in textures folder meshes in meshes subfolders and if they're not I'll tell you where they need to go Unless I say otherwise you should overwrite ?les as you go If the mod comes with a esp or esm you should activate it again unless I say otherwise Sometimes activating the esp ?le is optional Activate the esp esm This means going into your Morrowind Launcher clicking Data Files and scrolling to ?nd the new esp or esm and double clicking on the checkbox to activate it Without this step the game doesn't know to use the mod Pluginless A pluginless replacer does what it says it replaces game ?les usually textures sometimes meshes without requiring a esp or esm ?le to do so Most of the mods in this guide are pluginless Activate the archive This only comes into play in a few mods listed in the guide and all of them are optional Still if a mod comes with a bsa you need to open your Morrowind ini and ?nd the Archives section By default if you have Morrowind and both expansions it should look like this Archives Archive Tribunal bsa Archive Bloodmoon bsa If you install a mod with a bsa you need to add another line and put the name of the bsa there An example using Windoors Glow Archives

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