Mu123 guide MU Discovering mathematics MU Guide Contents Introduction Study guide What ? s MU about What to do ?rst Before you begin your studies MU components Assessment Learning outcomes Support and how to contact the OU Getting started Technology guide

MU Discovering mathematics MU Guide Contents Introduction Study guide What ? s MU about What to do ?rst Before you begin your studies MU components Assessment Learning outcomes Support and how to contact the OU Getting started Technology guide Computing safely Computer resources and tutorial clips Video Dataplotter and Graphplotter Practice quizzes and iCMAs Online forum Online tutorials Elluminate Live Working o ine Computing support Accessibility guide General issues for MU Advice for each unit Summary of web links and further information Calculator guide Getting to know your calculator Unit Activity Using your calculator for negative numbers Unit Activity Using your calculator for fractions Unit Activity Doing longer calculations using your calculator Unit Activity Scienti ?c notation on your calculator Unit Activity Copyright ? The Open University Printed in the United Kingdom SUP C Powers and surds on your calculator Unit Activity Trigonometric ratios on your calculator Unit Activity Finding angles from trigonometric ratios Unit Activity Radians on your calculator Unit Activity Logarithms on your calculator Unit Activity Natural logarithms and powers of e on your calculator Unit Activity Calculator reference guide Solutions and comments on Calculator Activities Index CIntroduction A warm welcome to Discovering mathematics also known as MU Please read this Introduction and the ? Study guide ? section before you start working on the units because they contain important information about MU and its assessment You can then get started on Book A which you should do as soon as you can and by the o ?cial start date This MU Guide contains four main sections Section Study guide ?? this tells you about the structure of MU what you need to do before and whilst you are studying it and the support that you can expect to receive You should read this as soon as possible because there are various activities that you will need to undertake to ensure that you are ready to begin your studies Section Technology guide ?? this gives further details about the computing online and DVD components of MU You may wish to skim through this now and read it in more detail as and when you need to during your studies Section Accessibility guide ?? this section is primarily aimed at those who may have di ?culty with one or more elements of MU because of a disability for example Section Calculator guide ?? this gives guidance on how to use a scienti ?c calculator for various aspects of MU and includes the activities from the study units that illustrate how to use a calculator You don ? t need to read this until directed to do so by the units As well as the study texts that you received with this MU Guide other essential learning resources will be delivered through the MU website The website will open about two weeks before the o ?cial start date of MU and can be accessed from your StudentHome page via www open ac uk students Any signi ?cant updates to the

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